Chapter 2

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I heard a soft sound behind me, followed by a loud "FUCK!" I turned around to see a woman picking herself up off the floor. She was wearing a blue dress, and had small blue wings sprouting out the back. She noticed my confused expression and chuckled.

"Hello, I'm your fairy godmother, but you can just call me minx. I was just out clubbing with a friend of mine when I heard your tears and decided to give you some fucking help. Gambling with him won't do me any good anyway. The fucking cunt is such a cheating pussy." She said with a heavy Irish accent.

"Thanks, minx," I said nervously, more of a question than anything.

"Oh I wish Nikki were here. She's so much better at this shit than me." She muttered to herself. She grabbed my hand, leading me out to the garden. We stood outside for a few moments, minx just examining me. "Aha! I know the perfect look for you." she waved her wand and a fancy white dress appeared on my body. I yelped in surprise "What happened to my clothes?"

She waved her hand, "It's all back in your room on your bed."

I sighed in relief, but then frowned at the dress. "It isn't really my style. Maybe something black? Or blue?"

She grinned. "I have an idea." she waved the wand again.

I gasped, "Perfect." I was in a black dress, white mask, and white shoes. The dress faded to blue at the bottom, and the mask and shoes were encrusted with diamonds. The mask tied around my face with a silk ribbon, and my hair was half up in a braid wrapping around the back of my head. I rushed inside, finding a mirror. I noticed I was also wearing earrings that matched my shoes and mask. They glinted in the light beautifully. I also had a crown, diamond with dragon flame opals to match my ring. "With this I can certainly get the attention of a prince long enough for Evalin to dance with Skeppy!" I was ecstatic. I was going to be able to give her a present after all.

"Yes, yes. Usually there's a curfew or some shit, but I don't bother with that stuff. You're an independent fucking woman you can come home whenever you want without you carriage turning into a pumpkin or your horsemen turning into lizards or your horses becoming fucking mice." She said, "Now go out there and get in your carriage! It's your night!" I smiled and thanked her, climbing into the carriage she summoned for me.


As I reached the palace, I was more excited than I'd ever been. I couldn't wait to give Evalin her surprise. She would be so happy, I couldn't wait. We pulled up to the palace, and I was breath taken at its beauty. A footman opened the door and let me out, and I realized I didn't have any invitation as I took his hand. I panicked for a moment, until the footman spoke, "Here you go, Miss." He handed me an invitation. I sighed in relief and thanked minx silently for thinking of it. I walked up the front steps of the palace and was greeted by a guard. "Invitation, please." He held out his hand for the invitation, and I placed it in his hand. He examined it for a moment, before handing it back to me and nodding to the guard opposite him. They opened the gates to reveal the top of a platform with two curving staircases. Five thrones sat atop the platform. One was green, another was blue, and the third was white, decorated with black and a flame emblem on the back. The other two were shrouded in black. I recalled that the purpose of the ball was because the King and Queen had died from a sickness, and the kingdom needed a woman to wed one of the princes so they could become the king. All of the seats were empty. I realized the courtyard had quieted.

I finally gained the courage to walk forwards, my heels clicking on the quartz steps. As I walked down, I desperately tried to keep a good posture and look regal. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face.

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