Chapter 9

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(a/n: This is gonna be a fun one.)

This takes place one week after the last chapter. They got to the Antarctic Kingdom three days ago, and the sword was finished the day before they left. Artemis took it with her, but Halo doesn't know it's finished. The ball is set to take place in one day.

Clay, Halo, and I were talking in a lounge. We were each sitting on a couch, and we were chatting about random topics that were going through our heads. Clay was asking Halo what his favorite element was.

"Water," Halo answered immediately.

"Why?" I was curious.

"Yeah, don't you have fire powers?" Clay said.

"I like water. It balances my fire, and it just makes me happy." Halo answered. Clay kept pestering Halo, and I zoned out. I started thinking of the ball tomorrow, as I often did. I couldn't wait for the others to see my plan.

""What are you thinking about, Artemis?" Clay asked.

"Nothing," I said, realizing I'd been grinning.

"Probably you, Dream." Halo, teased. I grinned again, a thought coming to my head.

"Actually, I was thinking about how I could beat you both in a pillow fight." I told them. They glanced at each other. They each grabbed a pillow, firing it at me. I ducked, "Missed me!"

"Oh you're on." Clay said, grinning widely. We ran through the halls, yelling, and I ran into a spare dining hall, where Halo found a closet of pillows. We piled them all up and each grabbed one, smacking each other repeatedly. Clay and Halo teamed on me, chasing me in circles until they finally cornered me. "We've got you now." Clay grinned.

Suddenly, he was knocked away, "Actually, you don't" A monotone voice said from behind a boar mask. Standing behind him, each armed with a pillow, was the entire royal family of the Antarctic kingdom, excluding Phil, joined by George, Karl, Quackity, Skeppy, and Sapnap. They all gave each other wicked grins and all chaos broke loose. Karl and Quackity started building a pillow fort with George, hiding their "team" of Clay, Sapnap, Halo, Skeppy, and the three of them. On the other side was Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and me. We had each grabbed two pillows, one for a weapon and one for a shield. I climbed up to the top of the growing pile of pillows, thanks to Halo constantly summoning more.

I looked around for a moment, a plan coming together in my head. I knocked down a bunch of pillows onto the boys, and laughed at their shocked expressions as they spotted me. Someone threw a pillow, and it hit me dead on, knocking me down the pile and causing me to land in enemy lines. I struggled to fend off the people attempting to hit me with their pillows, and I made it back to the pile quickly, trying to get back to our side. I climbed back to the top of the pile, beginning to throw pillows at the opposing side. Then I noticed that one person was absent. Clay. I assumed he was the general for their team, so it was odd that he was absent. Even more strange, their team was on the offensive. I felt a small tremor go through the stack of pillows I was standing on.

"RETREAT!" I yelled. I got confused looks from the boys, but they obeyed, and I slid down the pile, before running to get Tommy, who was still standing in the middle of the room. I snatched him away just in time, and the giant stack came crashing down, Clay having pushed it. There was now a large ridge of pillows dividing the room, and the opposing side was quickly climbing it.

Suddenly, the doors of the hall slammed open and Phil sauntered in. everyone froze, expecting to be scolded. "What do you guys think you're doing in here? I expected better of you!" He said, sounding disappointed. We all looked at each other, then looked down, slightly ashamed. "I expected you to at least invite me!" He said. We all grinned.

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