Ten years later

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this takes place ten years later, still Artemis' pov. 

I'm standing by the lake, laughing as I watch my family. Aiden, Karl and Tubbo are chasing bees and trying to catch them in jars. I look over at Clay, laughing with Techno and Sapnap as Keegan and Asher play fight with wooden swords.

"Mama?" Little Athena asks, looking up at me with big eyes.

"Yes, love?" I smile at my daughter. She holds something small in her hands, showing it to me.

"Is it gonna be ok?" She asks, looking down at the bird's broken wing.

"Of course. We can ask Halo to fix it when we get back home." I suggest. Her eyes brighten. It's striking the resemblance she holds to Wilbur, evident in her brown eyes and curly hair. A shout from the two nine-year olds sparring draws my attention.

"Hey! No powers!" Asher shouts, pouting. He's much taller than Keegan, but not as skilled in fighting. Keegan's hand is on fire, spreading quickly up his arm. I watch in silence as Athena runs up to the two, summoning water to oppose the fire. Asher is Sapnap, Karl and Quackity's adopted son, and Keegan's best friend. Athena and Keegan are twins, both unpredictable. They are angelic one moment and the next wreaking havoc with their friends. Fundy is swimming with Sally, who is in a salmon form. I laugh as Athena wraps a blanket of water around her brother, snuffing out his flames. He shouts, pointing his sword at the two ganging up on him. Keegan runs at them, soaking wet. They yelp and scatter, running towards Aiden, Karl and Tubbo.

"Aideeeeeen!" Athena shrieks to her younger brother. "Heeeeeeeeelp!" The boy turns to them, focusing. His snowy wings rustle and a flock of birds start chasing Keegan. The kids turn, all joining in the chase. Soon, all of us join in, laughing and chasing each other in a fun game of tag.

"Hey! Look what I found!" Athena shouts from the waterfall. Clay, Sapnap and I glance at each other, knowing what it is.

"What did you find?" Techno asks, voice soft. He's been happier since he took in Aiden, and we've all noticed. We knew taking care of him helped fill in the hole left in his heart from Wilbur's death.

"Come look!" She shouts, bending the water to show them the tunnel.

"I wonder where it leads?" Sapnap said with a knowing look.

"Let's find out!" Keegan shouts, running into the tunnel before anyone can stop him. We all follow, hearing splashes as the kids jump into the water. Clay gives me a challenging look and sprints in, a grin spread across his face. He never wears the mask anymore, it hangs on a hook in our bedroom. My step-family escaped long ago, but none of us cared. They couldn't hurt me anymore. George took the crown, deciding he didn't want a queen. He was well suited to it, and it left his brothers to live their lives. L'manburg was gone, burned and broken beyond repair. Tubbo had started a new nation with a few of his friends, calling it Snowchester.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a shove. I turned to see Sapnap pushing me into the water. I laughed, pulling him in with me. Karl and Quackity tackled him, pushing him under the water. The tree in the middle was still there, frozen in time. I swam, coming up behind my son. He was bickering with his sister, and I pulled on his ankle, tugging him under. There was a muffled scream before he realized he could breathe. Athena dove in after him, her magic propelling her through the crystal water. She laughed, grabbing Keegan's hand. Clay swam up behind her, helping her pull him. I flapped my wings, using them to push us away. I tucked them, swimming away. We surfaced beside the island, only to be splashed in the face.

"OH SO YOU WANNA PLAY, HUH DREAMIE BOY!" I shouted at my husband, grinning wickedly. Regret crossed his features as I climbed onto the island, opening my wings. The others paused to watch as I chased after him, flying low over the water. When I was over top of him, I dove, shoving him down deep into the water. He tried to fight back, but he was still laughing. It soon turned into a wheeze, making me start laughing at the ridiculous sound. We began floating to the surface, still laughing.

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