Hanami Dangos

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"6 hanami dangos please!", you ask the woman behind the counter.

"Coming right up!", the woman smiles, handing you the receipt as she points to the small couch at the front of the cafe.

Taking the receipt, you go sit on the couch waiting for your food. Glancing at your watch every few seconds, you impatiently wait, your stomach grumbling. Finally after a good 3 minutes, you hear your name being called. You look up to see the hanami dangos in a small container being placed on the display case. 

Quickly getting up, eager to fill your hungry desires, you speed walk over and snatch them, while quickly leaving a 100 yen note tip. The woman who was serving you gave a small grumble as she saw the note, before waving good bye at you as you run out the door.

It wasn't like you had anything in particular to do. Actually you had nothing to do, you were just hungry, and needed something for breakfast, which was still very important. Taking out one of the dangos, you curse silently, as you realize they didn't provide a stick, or a fork. 

Your gloves are going get soiled, but for the dango, the risk must be taken. Plopping one of them in your mouth you happily chew the not too sweet rice snack. Looking at your gloves, you tsk, seeing some of the sticky syrup on them.

Wiping one hand on your pant you go back in for one more dango. And that's when you see her. A young girl, probably in middle school,  walking on the street. Well okay, middle school girls always are walking on streets, it's not an uncommon sight. But what was uncommon is that the light was red while she was crossing. You sigh under your breath before running over to the girl, still staying on the sidewalk. But you pause, hearing a truck coming from somewhere. You turn around around to see a semi coming towards the girl fairly quickly. Looking back at the girl, who had for some reason paused on the road to pull something out. You let out a line of curses from under your breath before running onto the road. Pulling of your gloves, you hold your hand out. As the truck's driver franticly starts trying to pull the break as he sees you, you sigh and glance at your watch. 

As the truck grazes your finger tips, it starts to turn into dust, and waste away. Slipping your glove back on, you quickly go to help the truck driver up.

"Heh sorry about your truck-", you apologize, stretching a hand out to him.

"It's fine! Perfectly fine just don't do anything to me please I was watching where I was going!", the truck driver stumbled over his words, as he scrambled up and and ran in the opposite direction.

You frown, as you turn around expecting the girl coming to say thank you. But as you look around you don't see her anywhere.

"She left as soon as you did your big moment in front of the truck!", you hear snickering coming from behind you. Whipping your head around, you see a messy black haired male, holding on to his cap as he was laughing. Standing next to him was a much taller male, with glasses and dirty blonde hair.

"Weren't you just standing there instead of helping? Or was that just me assuming you weren't busy.", you mutter, crossing your arms as you look at the both of them.

"We just got here.", the taller male coughed out, nudging the shorter male to stop laughing.

"Don't get so cocky, you aren't that much taller than me.", the shorter male stopped laughing, taking a small container from his coat.

"HEY WAIT ISN'T THAT MINE?", you question putting your hand out to take the container from him.

"Can you take of your gloves?", he asks coming closer with your box of dangos.

You quickly take off one of your gloves, as he places the box in your hand. Putting the box on the ground, you slip on your glove and pick it up again.

"So you can control what disappears and what doesn't?", the taller male asks, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Maybe it does maybe it doesn't! Who knows, but I have to go now.", you wave your hand as you turn in the other direction, annoyed with the antics that the day has caused you so far.

"You don't plan on doing anything else right? Why don't you come with us back to the office. You're unemployed I presume.", the shorter male calls from behind you. You hear a protest coming from the taller one, but is quickly shushed by the shorter one again.

You debate whether to go with them or not for a few seconds. They both were obviously over 10 pounds, so you could use your ability if needed.

"We have work, hurry up.", the taller male grumbles, turning around to start walking.

"Kunikida-kun we have time before Dazai-kun and Atsushi-kun get back!", Ranpo laughs, following him.

Giving in, you run up to catch up to them. All you wanted today was to relax and eat your food. But life seemingly other plans. Other, bigger plans. 

a/n: why hello there reader! welcome to the first chapter of my first BSD fanfic! now I do warn you, there will be some spoilers! nothing to drastic, but i suggest you only read this if you're completely done with season one. but those aside, thanks for reading this chapter and have an amazing rest of your day beautiful/handsome. (also here's the playlist that goes with this ff: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6WPPAbWRD0NMQCEpmssm1z)

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