Bulletin Board

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You woke up again the next day, with yet again another headache. You groaned as soon a you felt the pounding in your head. This time though it wasn't just the pounding, you felt a shiver throughout your whole body. It wasn't painful to move, but it was a discomfort to. As you swung your feet of the couch you realized, you weren't even on a couch! Looking underneath you, you realized you were on a futon! Slightly confused you got up and walked over to the quaint living room. After changing your gloves, you started to smell something that was pretty good. You found a small, already cooked, T.V meal on the coffee table. Smiling out of surprise, you pick it up. Something falls on the table from the meal, so glancing down you see a small note that was probably attached to the meal. Picking it up, you unfold it to see what it was about.

"Hey y/n! If you're reading this you're probably awake (^人^) You have a cold though, so don't go do anything stupid while your sick ( ˘︹˘ ) I heated up your breakfast before I left, if you woke up late then reheat it! I'll see you at work tmr! (●'◡'●)"

You smiled reading the note. He had drawn little emoticons next to where he felt like it. And the added "tmr" to end the note which had perfect grammar otherwise. Looking back at the meal, you realize that he must've left only a few minutes before you woke up. Opening the T.V dinner, you breathe in the smell. It was probably packed with calories and fat, but I mean you're sick! 

"I can treat myself with something like this when I'm sick.", you whisper to yourself, taking a bite out of the fried shrimp. You finish almost half the meal when you suddenly realize there was a huge bulletin board nailed up on the wall right behind your futon.

"Oh my onigiri, I could've become freaking Flat Stanley if that thing landed on me while I was sleeping.", you grimace just thinking about it.

You quickly finish your meal to go move the bulletin board. After neatly putting away all the packaging to reuse for something else, you quickly go to move the board. You don't pay much attention to what was actually on the board as you were moving it. After you finally set it up again away from your futon, on closer inspection, you realize the board was to solve the huge daddy long leg case about your dad's death. On even closer inspection, you see that someone, probably Ranpo, had mapped everything out about what you guys had learned so far. Looking at the evidence, you realized something. Something very important. Your dad's friend, Enzo Haruto, was deaf and mute. And you clearly remember that they usually only communicated through sign language. In other words, Haruto can't lip read. So how did he understand Ranpo?

Without thinking, you grabbed your keys and left the house. This case was taking too many twists and turns you couldn't comprehend. You were going to take your own steps, and take on your own leads. A pang of guilt hit you as you realized how Ranpo would feel if he found out your doing this right now. Shaking it off, and also questioning why you cared, you called over a taxi and got in.

"Yokohama City Jail please!", you told the cab driver.

"You got family there?", the cab driver asked, starting the car.

"Nah.", you replied, "I have witnesses there."

a/n: arghhh i apologize sm for the late chapter posts!! And for the rly short chapter ◑﹏◐ I promise ill try to get better on that :') but i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter >:D ill try and keep up to my word, but until next time my dear readers!

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