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You take a quick gasp as you shoot up, you touch the back of your head, and wince. It was still sore from the fall.

"Oh good your awake.", Akiko sighed, before grabbing a mini flashlight and flashing it in your eyes.

"What the hell happened?", you groaned.

"Not sure, think it was something on the paper, but you fainted and your head hit the ground which gave you a pretty bad concussion.", Akiko said, putting the flashlight away.

"Where's everyone else?", you look around AKiko's office.

"They left already, they hope you get better though.", Akiko said turning around.

You look at the clock and see that it's already 5 pm. You've been knocked out for almost 6 hours.

"Shit, how the hell did my dad's name-", you groan again suddenly remembering what happened before you fell.

"Shut it, whatever your thinking about, stop it, your concussion is only going to get worse.", Akiko scolded, turning around to put some pills in a bottle. You quickly wince seeing the pills, you honestly hate taking them.

"Oh what a great idea, I can't believe I didn't think about it before!", you throw your hands to your cheeks to give a shocked look.

Akiko simply rolled her eyes and handed you the pill bottle.

"Here, take one pill every time before you a meal or a sugary snack.", Akiko said as you took the bottle from her.

"But I'm probably gonna forget anywaysss, so I'll just keep this here so you can give it to me!", you say sliding the pill onto the side table.

"Ranpo-san already pulled that one.", Akiko sighed, pushing the pills back.

"I heard my name! Oh! Y/n-chan your awake!", Ranpo burst through the door with a huge brown bag.

"Aye aye.", you give a salute, before lying back down on the cot.

"I got candy!", Ranpo grinned, reaching into the bag and grabbing around for the right candy.

"CANDY?", you immediately jump up, and letting out a small groan from the pain.

"Pill.", Akiko said, grabbing at the bag for candy herself.

"Oh right.", you wrinkle your nose taking the pill bottle and slowly opening it.

"Here here take a candy while you take a pill.", Ranpo said, handing you a small caramel candy.

"Alright.", you say, skeptical because you weren't sure if the candy would cover up the horrid pill taste.

Taking the candy, you pop it in your mouth, suck on it for a bit to get the flavor of it stuck on your mouth, pop in the pill, and swallow them both down with some sugar water handed to you by Akiko.

"You evil genius.", you widen your eyes at Ranpo you was grinning at your reaction.

He flashed you a small blushie smile before handing you a bag of gummies.

Akiko ushered Ranpo out of the room after a minute, leaving you behind with the bag of candy.

"Here are the suspects for the robbery case.", Akiko said, handing him the paper.

"Mm, wait. Isn't that y/n-chan's surname?", Ranpo asked, pausing his finger on your dad's name and tapping on it.

"That's how we got here then.", Akiko nodded.

"Hm. Do you have photos of the people who we suspect?", Ranpo asked.

"I should somewhere.", Akiko paused before running back into her office where you were still eating the gummies.

"Can I leave yet?", you whine, getting sick of staying in the same place for so long.

"I'll do a final checkup once I get back.", Akiko assured you before leaving the room with the paper.

"Here are the pictures.", she handed the paper to Ranpo who carefully inspected them.

"That's not y/n's dad though.", Ranpo squinted his eyes at the small picture under the name.

"Coincidence?", Akiko asked.

"Not a chance. Where did he work before the robbery?", Ranpo tapped on the photo.

"Mmmm- Oh! Right he worked at Niso Bakudon.", Akiko said.

"What did he do?", Ranpo asked, trying to remember where he had heard that name before.

"He made fake bombs for parties.", Akiko said.

"So showcase bombs..", Ranpo immediately shot up, running into Akiko's office.

"Y/N WHERE DID YOUR FATHER WORK BEFORE HE DIED?", Ranpo questioned, starting to feel a lead.

"Is everything okay what's wrong?", you look from Akiko to Ranpo franticly.

"Nothing is wrong but where did your dad work before he died.", Ranpo asked again.

"Shinzou Towers I think.", you respond, making Ranpo frown.

"Frick.", he said, before shooting up again and snapping his fingers. "Akiko-san go look at Niso Bakudon's partners."

"Alrighty.", Akiko got out her laptop and started typing away.

"Scroll scroll.", Ranpo whispered after Akiko got to Niso Bakudon's official website.

"Shinzou, shinzou shinzou... SHINZOU!", Akiko happily shouted pointing to the company name on the list of partners.

Ranpo happily grinned like a small kid who just received everything he wanted for Christmas.

"What are you guys doing come on tell me!", you beg, wanting in on whatever they were working on.

"Y/n-chan, promise you won't faint again.", Ranpo stuck his hand out.

"Er, promise?", you say putting your hand on top of his.

"Alright good. Do you know this man?", Ranpo asked, shoving the paper with the pictures on it towards you.

Your eyes widen as you look at the picture, your head immediately feeling dizzy again.

"Y-yeah, he was my dad's friend.", you say as you slowly rub your temples, trying tor educe the pain in your head.

"Can he recognize you?", Ranpo asked, his emerald green eyes shining at you.

"He should be able to.", you respond, feeling small doves flying around in your stomach.

"Then let's get started.", he grinned, whizzing you and Akiko out of the door.

a/n: hello hello my bestoes!! i hope you all enjoyed this chapter :)). im trying to build up the suspense so let me know if im doing a good job or not >:D. ALSO YALL OMFG THANK YOU EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU FOR VOTING AND READING THIS BOOK BECAUSE WE HAVE MADE IT TO 1K READS. ILYA SM MWAH MWAH HAVE AN AMAZING REST OF YOUR DAY!!

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