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You walked to the office the next day, but very cautiously. The box of potato mochis you were bringing for everyone at the agency took you hours to make, and you didn't have the energy to even pick one up if it happened to fall out of your hands. It was tedious work of course, it was raining last night, and you had to step over puddles several times. And not to mention cars splashed an enormous amount of dirty water when they whiz by. You put your jacket over the mochis so they wouldn't get wet, but now you were half freezing. Speeding up your pace, you manage to reach the agency with no accidents. 

As soon as you stepped in the doorway, Kunikida ran over to you and took the box from your hands.

"Kunikida-kun! What are you doing here?", you smile, feeling the tension of keeping the mochis safe leaving your shoulders.

"I work here don't I?", he smiles back, "I was just drinking some tea."

"Ah alright, thanks for taking the box, it took forever to get them here cause I didn't wanna accidently drop them.", you thanked Kunikida, walking behind him as he went up the stairs.

"It's not a probl-", he started, but immediately got his foot caught on the floor, and went flying forward, letting go of the mochis, as they went soaring towards the office door.

"KUNIKIDA-KUN YOU IDIOT!", you yell, running forward, as the door opened and Dazai stepped out, catching the mochis.

"Are these for me!?", Dazai grinned, opening the box and taking out a mochi.

"For you and everyone else.", you say, snatching the box from him.

"Oh these are so good!", he grins, happily chewing on a mochi you didn't see him snatch.

"How the hell- Nevermind, Kunikida-kun are you okay?", you sigh, walking back over to Kunikida to help him up.

"I'm fine.", he stated, brushing himself off, and taking a mochi from the box.

"Are they good?", you ask.

"I already said they're good!", Dazai called from behind you.

"These are great!", Kunikida said, before going into the office, grumbling about how he was a minute off schedule.

"Can I have anotherrr?", Dazai whined, already reaching in the box for another from behind you.                                                                                                                                                                                                          "Is no a good response?", you laugh, "I have enough for everyone, not one more and not one less."

"Why did you make so little?", Dazai pouted, turning around and heading back into the office room as you followed him.

"Because I'm tired!", you huff, placing the box down on your desk and getting some paperwork to file.

"Oh yeah? You seem to sleep soundly at Ranpo's!", Dazai grinned.

"Hm?", Kunikida looked up from his computer.

"I went to tell him to shut up.", you silently curse Dazai out under your breath.

"You ate half my chip bag!", Ranpo complained from the doorway as he walked in.

"YOU OFFERED ME THE BA-", you counter him, but stop mid sentence as you see Dazai start smirking.

"Ooo are those the mochis you said you'd make?", Ranpo grinned.

"Oh? When was this?", Dazai asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"When they went to pick up groceries I think!", Akiko said, walking in behind Ranpo, along with Kyouka and Kenji.

"Oh?", a grin danced onto Dazai's face.

"Mm these are good!", Ranpo licked his fingers, oblivious to what was happening in front of him.

You sigh and go around handing the box around to everyone, and then go into the president's office to see if he was there.

"Oh y/n! Are those mochis?", he asked, peering into the box you held out for him.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         "They are! I hope you like them!", you grin, as he chews on the mochi.

"Thank you y/n. Ah also congratulations on your first case.", he waves at you as you leave his office, closing the door behind you.

"Oi y/n!", Akiko calls to you as you go back into the office.

"Yeah?", you place the box down.

"You wanna go out with Ranpo-san, me, Kunikida-kun, and Dazai-kun tonight? If you don't have any other plans of course.", she asked.

"Sure, I need to get out more anyways.", you agree, excited to finally go out with friends like you used to in your school days.

"Great, I'll come get you from your room at 7 alright?", Akiko asked.

"Sounds good.", you smile.

"You have no problem with drinking right?", Akiko questioned.

"No? Why do you ask?", you ask, slightly suspicious.

"No reason, remember 7!", Akiko smiled, before leaving to her office.

a/n: why hello there my wonderful readers! i apologize for my terrible uploading skill. gotta get up those grades so the chapters will be coming out maybe once or twice a week. sorry for the delay but tysm for reading!! ilyasm byebye until next time!

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