Grocery Store

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You stretch out your legs, getting up to head back home. Atsushi had already left, as well as Naomi, Tanizaki, and Kunikida. You thought of waiting until Ranpo and Akiko got back, but you didn't think they would come anytime soon. Yawning, you grab your bag and walk down to the cafe. You wave at Lucy, who was wiping down the tables, and push open the door and step outside. Looking at your watch you notice it was only 6:30. Pulling out your phone, you pull up the Uber app, since you had completely forgotten about picking up the rest of the boxes at your old apartment.

"Oh y/n! You're still here! Could you and Ranpo-san go get groceries? We need just a few snacks and some frozen food.", you look up to see Akiko and Ranpo walking towards you.

"Oh hey! I have to go pick up some things, but I can go after. It may get late though.", you say, turning to face the both of them.

"Ohh is that why Ranpo-san wanted to check back at the dorms before we got back?", Akiko asked, taking a peak at Ranpo, who was awfully quiet.

"I didn't ask him for anything, but thank you Ranpo-san.", you grin, turning to Ranpo, who started blushing.

"It was nothing, we were already on the way.", he responded, scratching the nape of his neck.

Akiko looked from Ranpo to you, and back again, a smirk growing on her face.

"Well then, you both can head to the store, here's the money, don't spend it all.", she said, fishing money out of her bag and handing it to you.

"Alright! See you later Akiko-san!", you wave at Akiko as you turn around to head to the store.

"Y/n where are you going? The store is this way.", Ranpo called to you, making you blush and turn around, to quickly start walking the other way.

"I knew that, I was just gonna cough, but the cough didn't come.", you tell him.

Ranpo gave a small snicker in response and started fiddling with his coat.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "Oh! How did the case go?", you ask, trying to start a conversation so things don't get to awkward.

"It was boring, a hit and run case. The family wanted to sue the person who hit the other person, but traffic cameras didn't catch anything. So that's why they called us in.", Ranpo explained.

"If that's boring then what's interesting?", you laugh, expecting him to laugh with you.

"Missing person cases are fun, I also enjoy one of those lover shoots the person who rejected them kinda thing!", he instead responded, making you very nervous.

"That's kinda morbid don't you think?", you ask him, your voice shaking a little.

"It is! But I'm the best detective after all! Oh here we are, here take this basket.", Ranpo grabbed a basket from the front of the store and handed it to you, and took another for himself.

"Alright I get the frozen food you get the snacks, sound good? Last one back has to buy the other person a treat.", you grin, splitting the money Akiko had given between the both of you.

"Sounds good.", Ranpo said, before running into the store, making you laugh and follow him into the store.

You took around 20 minutes to get at least 2 frozen meals for everyone. It took a bit of time since you hadn't ever been there before. You probably sped through the frozen food isle at least 5 times before realizing it. Heading back to the cashier area, you look around to not find Ranpo anywhere.

"Oh y/n! You got here before me.", you turn around to see Ranpo walking towards you.

"I'm surprised! Did you spend all the money?", you ask, peering into Ranpo's basket.

"No, I just have enough for some mochi.", he grinned, taking your basket and placing it on the cashier table.

"I thought Akiko said not to spend all the money.", you say, as the cashier starts to scan the food.

"She'll never notice. And besides, the funds are higher this month. Dazai entered in some dance competition and got a cash prize.", Ranpo assured you before grabbing a bag and holding it out for the cashier to put the groceries in.

"Wait here I'll be right back.", Ranpo tells you as you both exit the store, handing you the bag of groceries, and running down the street.

Looking around, you find a bench and go to sit on it, placing the bags down at your feet. After a few minutes you look up to see Ranpo running to you with two mochis, one in each hand.

"Ohh! They look so good!", you grin, excitedly taking a mochi from Ranpo's hand.

"I only eat the mochis from that street vendor. They're perfectly sweet.", Ranpo grinned taking a bite out of his mochi.

"Do you not like savory mochis then?", you ask, stripping off your gloves and taking a bite out of the exceptionally sweet desert.

"If they're not sweet then they're not mochi.", Ranpo said frankly, taking another bite.

"But savory mochis are good!", you protested.

"I haven't ever tasted a good savory mochi, maybe I'll change my mind when I do try one.", Ranpo huffed, finishing off his mochi.

"Well then maybe you should try my potato mochis! I'll bring some this Friday.", you grin, knowing that your mochis are practically superior.

"We'll see.", Ranpo said, waiting for you to finish your mochi.

Once you finish he gets up and grabs a grocery bag, signaling for you to take the other. You pick up the bag, but only to feel it turn into dust under your fingers.

"Oh shoot-", you mutter, realizing you had forgotten to put your gloves back on.

Ranpo let out a small snicker before handing you back your gloves. Snatching them, you put them on and start walking.

"Akiko won't notice! And hey we have the snacks!", Ranpo said, still laughing.

You don't respond, but you felt a small smile grow on your lips.

a/n: hahahahHAHhAHAHHA i really thought i could keep up with the schedule :') but i hope u enjoyed this chapter!! AND OMFG IF U HAVENT HAD SAVORY MOCHI PLS DO TRY IT IDC IF ITS A PANDEMIC U NEED TO TRY IT MAKE IT AT HOME OR SUM IDK!! but anyways i love you readers very much and have an amazing rest of ur day!!

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