Chapter 21

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Quick on her feet, she moved with deadly efficiency, launching herself at her opponent and wrapping her legs around the upper part of his body. She grabbed one of his arms as she spun both their bodies around, gravity taking a hold and dragging them to the ground. At the last possible second her opponent was able to break his fall using her as a cushion, knocking the air from her lungs. Her vice like grip slackened as she struggled to bring the air back, allowing the opponent to jump back to his feet. Quickly realising, the girl jumped back to her own feet, arms forming an offensive-defensive position. The pair circled each other, waiting for the other to make a move. Hair clung to their faces, sweat leaving tracks down their skin. The girl grinned cockily, tilting her head to the side,

Looks like we have found ourselves

in a stand-off once more.

"It seems so." The male grinned, throwing a quick right hook followed by a left one, each meeting a forearm defence. He tsk'd under breath and went to punch again, only to meet air. His green eyes widened as he watched the girl grab his arm and twist, sweeping his legs and making him topple. With his arm now pinning him to the floor and the girl basically sitting on his back, there wasn't much he could do. The girl knew this and lent down, her face almost next to his, warm breath fanning his ear gently,

Do you yield?

"I don't have a choice, do I?"


The male groaned, "Fine, I yield."

A giggle ran through his mind: a soft kiss pressed to his temple followed by a gag and the loosened grip,

You're so sweaty it's gross.

I'm not kissing you again till you smell better.

He chuckled and rolled over, grabbing the girls hips so she straddled him. He grinned slyly, before looking up at the door behind him hearing it open,

"Enough you two. Techno says dinner's ready, and he has a new mission brief for us." Nick leant against the door frame, looking at the pair with a bored expression.

"Are we allowed to shower first?" Clay asked, still keeping his hands positioned over Y/ns hips unashamed. The girls already flushed face grew two shades darker seeing the compromising position they were in. Nick raised a brow in suspicion, a devious smirk pulling at his lips,

"I'm not sure I should leave you kids unsupervised. Who knows what those crazy hormones are up to these days?"

Y/n's face set into a hard glare, her warp-walk ability carrying her in front of Nick. Clay chuckled, watching from the floor, enjoying the string of insults coming from the girls' thoughts. Nick rose his hands in surrender,

"Kidding- anyway see you two upstairs." And with that the charcoal haired boy slinked away. Y/n turned to face her boyfriend, huffing quietly and making Clay laugh,

"Ignore Nick, you know how he is."

The blond stood from his spot and walked to the door, where he grabbed Y/n's hand and led her upstairs.

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"And what have you called this team again?"

"Well Sir, I officially called it Anomaly Incident Control, but they prefer to call themselves the Dream Team."

A chuckle, "And why's that?"

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