Chapter 24

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Clay and Techno ran down the halls finally being able to get through the blockade thanks to Clay losing his temper and shifting to his Nightmarish for. George followed them through the active cameras, checking each one for any signs of his friend.

"In here!" The British brunet called, the door quickly flying off its hinges. George was already beside the girl, his hand on her forehead.

Clay darted over to Y/n, her cheeks stained with salty tears and her eyes lazily drifting over from Georges' chocolate eyes to Clays concerned green ones. She had blood running down her neck, intricate cuts patterned down from behind her ear disappearing over her shoulder.

"Pluto. Who did this?" he went to place his hand over the cuts, but Techno grabbed his wrist tightly,

"You aren't supposed to use that."

Clay narrowed his eyes and ripped his hand away, "I healed Nick, I can heal her too. You aren't to tell me who I can and can't help."

With a feather light touch he placed his hand over her neck, watching the soft fern glow spread over the injuries. Each cut closed over, forming pink scars beneath the blood. He didn't heal the gashes her arm though, that could be sorted out by Karl as it wasn't life threatening. He picked her up bridal style, keeping her close to his chest, his protective boyfriend instincts taking over.

I don't know.

Her voice sounded far away, like she was waiting to sleep. He didn't know whether to let or sleep or keep her awake. Clay finally decided that maybe she should, he could keep an eye on her as they head back to the surface again.

"Get some rest, you're okay with us."

Y/n's eyes closed drowsily, making no move to readjust her position. He assumed that she was still under the effect of the paralysis. With slight aggression, Clay walked out the door to George,

"Let's go."

Techno followed silently, knowing he would have to mention this to Phil. Having these two on a team was a risk in the first place, but this just proved it was much more so than thought. Techno didn't know how to proceed, possibly singular missions to separate the pair or training? Damn SCPs making his life much harder than need be.

The walk up to the small base was silent. No one daring to utter a single word. Sunlight was now streaming from the opposite way, the day soon to be getting brighter. Nick was sprawled out on camp bed, his torso wrapped in neat bandages, his light snores breaking the peace around them. The white tent flaps, moved slightly with the breeze, the pegs not allowing them to move any further. Karl was cleaning equipment and putting it back in its correct spot, glancing at his partner every now and again. When he spotted the rest of the group making their way towards his med tent, he sighed in slight disappointment seeing Y/n in Clay's arms,

"Of course, it's these two. Heck, I'm surprised you're reasonably unharmed Clay." In spite of his joking tone, Karl's brown eyes held worry. Clay huffed slightly, placing Y/n gently in one of the cots, taking a seat on the tarped floor beside her. Already have seen her arm upon entry, Karl grabbed a fresh set of gloves, and his tray of medical supplies ready to treat it.

"Her neck is fine, just her arm needs to be treated." Clay mumbled his head resting against the side of the bed. Karl hummed in acknowledgement, gently working away at the wound. He was skilled in his craft, undoubtedly: having seen all sorts of weird injuries over his years working in the Foundation. From regular cuts to broken bones, to an inflated liver to missing kidneys. He had seen some stuff.

"How'd she hurt herself?"

"Protecting Nick from something on the sub-levels."

"What was the something?'

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