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1K 57 25

Y/n sighed. It was another one of her father's company's stupid 'black tie' events, and she was being forced to go. All she wanted to do was relax and play some Minecraft with the guys, like the usual Saturday nights. But no. Here she was, dressed in a deep fern dress that flowed to her ankles and came off the shoulder. It suited her figure perfectly, her curves were modest but apparent, the V-neck not revealing anything much. She had decided to leave her hair out, allowing it to be the usual boisterous curly she was accustomed too-the only real style to it was the two front locks had been pulled back behind her head together held by a simple silver clip of a moon and stars. Her deep navy eyes danced down to the necklace she wore, were the ring from Clay sat in pride. She looked like a princess. She felt like one too.

How gross.

There was a knock at her door, her father standing there and admiring his precious baby look so dazzling.

"Are you ready to go?"

"I am, but are you? You are getting too old to be moving around the dance floor dad."

The older chuckled, his navy eyes twinkling with mischief that Y/ns did. He held an arm out for her to take, which she gladly did. Y/n smiled as they walked down to the car that waited to take them away to the venue (which was fortunately close). While Y/n stared out the window, watching the trees pass and the sun dipping beyond the horizon, her phone buzzed. Then buzzed again.

And again.

And again.

Having enough she opened the group chat with a roll of her eyes.



Dumbasses + that one kid





Clay isn't answering

N/n are you and Clay making out?

My favouritearsonist

duuude if they were they wouldnt respond to ur musty ass



I swear.


My favouritearsonist

they are so doin it rn

no cap


istfg. Nick shut up.

Clay pick up.





My favouritearsonist

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