Chapter 29

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The Director slammed his hand against the desk, frustration ebbing from his entire being. What the hell was the Eggs game? Strewn about before him was an array of reports about the infection spreading all over America, multiple victims disappearing, then reappearing for brief moments just to disappear again.

"Sir, I'm sure you have-"

"Yes Ponk. I have heard that Agents Halo and Skeppy have turned. Puffy said she spotted them up north along with more of those red zombies running about. The same direction we have ICT stationed. If they were to find the base of operations, we could have one hell of a problem."

"I know sir."

The Director sighed, sitting back in his comfy chair and running a stressed hand through his dyed locks. His abnormal coloured eyes glanced at the singular photo frame that sat on his desk, the picture having a child, himself and an older male within it. All three were smiling, the photo radiating love and a sense of home. The Director sighed, looking over to his assistant and friend,

"Do you have the reports from Soot?"

Ponk nodded and handed over the thick file, before turning to leave,

"He says the problem will only get worse. He is working to find the solution."

The door shut with a soft click, leaving The Director with the files and his thoughts.


With Wilbur


Wilbur ruffled his hair, shaking his jumbled thoughts into order. He looked from his notes to the tank which held the zombie type entity, back to his notes.

o   Boosted strength

o   Damage resistant

o   Water has no effect

o   Possible patient zero

o   Can spread whatever virus it has through scratch, bite and blood transfer

o   Always goes for the kill

o   Violent and aggressive

o   No use for food nor water

o   No signs of heartbeat and breathing, but the brain is active and decaying

o   Irreversibly changed

Wilbur pushed his circular glasses off his face as he slumps over his desk full of clutter and empty coffee cups. He had locked himself down here for a couple of weeks now, refusing to take a break as he studied his new specimen. He had learnt its strengths, what really made it mad, how it went into a dormant state close to sleeping, how it got more aggressive around Clay, Y/n and Techno, and how it was almost unkillable.

Almost being the keyword of hope. There had to be something that can kill it, perhaps-

"Have you tried the different types of fire?"

Nick and Karl were stood in the doorway, Karl holding a tray he presumed was food, a knowing smirk on his face. Wilburs eyes lit up instantly, why didn't he think of that? He looked towards the chained zombie, watching its lips turn up in a snarl.

"Nick? Could you help me with that?"


The ravenet stepped forwards, keeping his pace even and his gaze wary while approaching the tank. Wilbur pressed a few buttons on his computer, a beeping sound coming from the sliding doors as they dragged themselves open. The bound entity could barely move, the restraints made to withhold even Clay if he ever lost control. Nick continued inside the zombies' home, rubbing his hands together to create enough friction to generate a flame. Once the small spark was dancing gently in his palm as a flame, he gave a small glance to Wilbur in question, who nodded enthusiastically and encouragingly. Nick hovered his hand close to the entities arm, not close enough to touch it but close enough to burn it. The zombie seemed to be uncomfortable as its skin sizzled slightly, so Nick decided to change it up into a blue flame. His hand warmed considerably, the blue flame licking up from the underside of his palm and fighting against the zombie. Now when this thing screeched it screeched. It was worse than George's shrieks and that's saying something. Nick retracted his hand quickly, eyeing the completely blackened flesh floating from its arm and disappearing into ash.

"Holy shit- We know how to kill it."

Nick exited the containment chamber, heading over to wash his hand with mass amounts of soap. Wilbur hurriedly fiddled with his phone, dialling an unknown number and pressing it to his ear.

"Sir, I have it. I know how to stop them."

Silence filled with extremely hushed muttering coming from the other side.

"Mhm. I do, the solution is quite simple and I'm a fool for not realising it before."

"Yes sir, yes if you just wait a moment- Sir please I'm trying to tell you."


"Yes, no it's quite alright. Yes, the solution is Blue fire."

"Yes sir. Copper chloride is the chemical composition that creates it. I'll conduct tests to see if it is the copper chloride alone or if it is required to be heated."

"Yes sir. I will."

Wilbur turned, wide eyed to Nick and Karl, his phone now off call resting still beside his ear,

"What the fuck? Clay and Y/n are engaged?!"

Karl and Nick shared a look, before chuckling,

"Like last night?"

Wilbur stared at his phone in bewilderment. How the hell did the Director already know? Wilbur grabbed the now full coffee cup from his desk, sipping on it thoughtfully.

"Is Eret here?"

"Yeah he arrived yesterday."


As he sipped the coffee, the ground shook once more. This time, a grater force: shaking the building to its core, knocking almost anything and everything off shelves and dressers. The containment unit grew a singular split in its walls, the crack growing every few seconds. With one last violent tremor, it shattered, the ground opening up and red vines bursting forth splitting into the roof into the floors above and the main house. Nick, Karl and Wilbur shielded their eyes to avoid getting anything in them. The zombie thing escaped into the hole, vines taking it back to where it belonged.

"Shit- the subject!" Wilbur scrambled over to investigate the hole, only for Sapnap to push him back at Karl, knocking both boys over. The vine grabbed hold of the pyro and dragged him down the hole, leaving Sapnap stuttering a string of curses as the vine semi-crushed the air from his lungs.

"NICK!" Wilbur and Karl yelled simultaneously, the latter running forwards to try and save him failing to notice the many more vines going for him. Wilbur noticed, the Brit diving forwards and yanking Karl back out of the vine's way. The vines retreated back into the hole they'd made, leaving Karl and Wilbur alone in the now, very disorganised lab.

Both Wilbur and Karl struggled to regain their breath, adrenaline fading from their blood. The shouts from upstairs were nothing but white noise, as the two doctors shared a look of disbelief, a common thought running between the pair,

How did it know?

It's Endgame now. >:).

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