Chapter 33

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TW: Blood, violence, mild gore, swearing

Red vines wrapped and weaved around each building, soulless beings roamed the streets below, others hid away in high levels of buildings or far below the ground while others fled the country as a whole. The streets of Anaheim were trashed and littered with bodies, burning cars and inhumane beings feasting on the fresh flesh of the deceased.

Upon one of the hold hotels fought two humanoids- both getting the shit beaten out of them since the sun was still out and dampening their abilities. They were bloodied and bruised, but not going down without a fight. The female going against the taller of the three opponents, was in slightly better shape than the other, but her injuries were hidden beneath her stars. The three opponents stood strong, like this was mere childs' play to them. And it was. The taller of the three tutted, his white eyes glowing sinisterly,

"Y/n, Y/n Y/n...You denied my request earlier, fought us and have been beaten down. I like you; I really do. So, I'll offer this once more- Will you join us, or die watching the birth of my empire?" Darryl offered his hand to the wounded girl, who glared at him with silver eyes,

"My answer remains the same." Her tone was steady and cold, not the gentle mischievous one she had. Darryls' eyes softened. He could feel her protectiveness of her friends, he knew she didn't want to hurt him either.

"How can I make you change your mind? I don't want to kill you. Please stop fighting back and join us."

Silence remained as the sun sinking lower below the horizon. The stars above demanded to be seen, combatting the darkening sky. Y/n turned back to her humanoid form, deciding it would be best to not look like a threat to negotiate,

"Halo...why do all this? What is the point? You are doing nothing but killing millions-"

"These...dimwits need a leader...someone who can keep them inline but also be fair. Someone who can provide them with the type of rule they need! Humans have been mocking our fellow anomalies for decades, treating them with no respect! Until us. You and I understood them! How frightened they must feel, or why they were dangerous. We treated them with common decency. Don't you see Y/n?! They need me! They need us! They need guidance! Join me and together we can right the wrongs of humanities as their Emperor...Someone to be feared but loved."

"Eradication is not the way to demand change! This is a slaughter Darryl- not a protest for difference!"

"WE ARE PAST THE POINT! We are long past the point for diplomacy."

"Look at what you've done Darryl! Look at what you've done to Zak! Take a look and think! Is this what you want?! Is this really the type of person you want to be?!"

The demon was silent, eyes darting over the streets below, over to his best friend fighting on the rooftop beside them,

"Maybe not in the past, but this is now. People change. People grow. Understand that and adapt."


"Please Y/n. Let me protect you from the evils of this world. I'll let Clay and you run off- all your friends, live a peaceful life somewhere remote, perhaps you could raise a family."

"I am not letting you kill Nick."

They stood face to face, narrowed eyes: poised for attack.

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