Chapter 26

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The high rise was still alight with few people working, others cleaning. What the trio was focused on however, was the light at the top: the CEOs office. They were back in tactical force uniforms, this time with small cameras pinned to the cloth over their chests so the Admin could see what was happening at all times. George looked to Techno and Clay, breathing a heavy sigh,

"I'll go shut down security, you two get to the top. Tell me when you get there, and I'll kill the power. You two know what you have to do, I know what I have to do. Do not fuck around." The last part was said with slight aggression. The two taller boys made a noise of agreement, George disappearing a second later.

"Lets go."

Clay and Techno crossed the road, heading into the building. The two security guards were burly men, both looking like they belonged as club bouncers.

"You two aren't authorised to be here at this hour." One said, voice hollow and annoyed. Techno and Clay didn't stray from their path though, the blond and pinkette easily being able to take down both males with little to no problem. Clay swiped a key card from one of the unconscious bodies and hurried over to the elevator stepping in with Techno at the ding. As Clay suspected, the top three and two basement levels required key card access. Flawlessly, he swiped the security card and pressed the top level. The calming elevator music didn't ease any tension between Clay and Techno, the latter being the first to grumble about it,

"Listen, what I said was slightly out of pocket. But you gotta see it from my perspective."

"Oh your perspective?"

"Clay, I've been in this a lot longer than you four, I can recognise the danger of dating teammates."

"I don't plan on dating her for long." Clay mumbled, but Techno heard, his brow raised in suspicion.

"What are you going to break up with her?" Techno prompted, earning a scoff from the blond beside him,

"I plan on marrying her." He let out softly, a content smile on his face.

Techno raised both brows now. This was surprising but not- you could see the utter love between the pair, and it was only a matter of time. Techno let out a sigh, perhaps this would be alright.

"When did you plan on asking her?"

"Well actually I was going to ask her at the end of this week, but both these missions have kinda screwed with the timing, right?"

Techno hummed. This will be fine. Completely fine. Mission first, scold them later. The elevator dinged once, the doors sliding open wide,

"Who the hell are you two?"

A middle aged man sat behind a big desk, his eyes wide in confusion. What the hell were two grown-ass men in a pig mask and the other in a smiley mask doing in his office?

》》》》》Mere Minutes Later《《《《《

Clay sprinted at the window behind the CEOs desk, his body colliding with glass and shattering it, sending him into the outside world. He felt like he was floating for a few seconds, before gravity took hold and pulled him to the ground. Clay had jumped far enough to be able to land on the parking block roof with minimal damage- if he shifted fast enough. The ground grew closer, and Clays adrenaline spiked, his eyes glowing slightly brighter as his form turned to that of an SCP. The dead look and soulless smile faded as he shrank back to his still tall human form, a stupid grin forming over his face,

"Holy shit I am a badass and a genius!!"

As the words escaped his lips he was tackled by a fast moving figure, glowing ruby eyes and bright coloured veins protruding on grey skin as the creature screeched in his face. As reflex Clay threw the thing from him and onto the ground while he scrambled to his feet,

"What the fuck are you?" he mumbled, his stance defensive as the thing got up and shook its head. It looked to be a human of some sort...The thing launched itself towards Clay, arm outstretched to swipe him with its long nails. Easily Clay dodged,

"Uhhhhh Admin??? What do I do?" he pressed a finger to his earpiece, the signal buzzing to life as the Admin answered,

"Capture it. I want it alive."


How the fuck am I supposed to restrain it? Clay's head spun with possibilities as he weaved around another offensive from the thing. It roared in fury, its prey not standing still allowing it to infect them. This pushed the negativity around the thing into overdrive, its skills increasing as it attacks became slightly faster.

"Okay what the hell..." Clay grabbed the arm before him and flung the thing into the air, letting it land on its back and cracking the concrete beneath it. Clay bounced away in order to avoid its next attack. Their little dance went on, Clay dodging while he was thinking, and the thing attacking relentlessly. Swipe from the right, Clay's arm was their pushing it back: swipe left, yet again he was there. The blond was quick on his feet, his movements dancing backwards haphazardly as he flawlessly evaded the onslaught of attacks.

Maybe he could knock it out? Perhaps some...

Clay gasped, his eyes lighting up. In the leg pocket of his pants, he had a roll of Flexi tape due to plot reasons and a really epic prank he had planned. He grinned and punched the thing square across the jaw, now taking the offensive. The thing reeled, the sudden shock that its opponent had struck back so suddenly and unpredictably. But Clay wasn't done there. Oh no. He then threw a nasty kick to the thing's chest, sending it back and through the concrete barrier, off the parking lot roof.

"Oh shit..." he forgets his own strength at times. Clay rushed over, watching as the thing stood up with now an even greater murderous intent in its eyes. How the hell wasn't it dead?

"Foster! Capture not kill!" The Admins voice sparkled through the blonds' earpiece; a hint of frustration evident.

"It's pretty okay to me sir." Clay commented as it shook itself off. The blond jumped off the roof and aimed his hand for the things head. When he was close, Clay basically body slammed the things head into the ground, hard enough to break its skull - which it didn't. But it did knock it out. Swiftly, Clay began to tie around it's wrists and ankles, then as a precaution around its mouth. He then hauled it over his shoulder and went to meet up with George and hopefully Techno would be done with cleaning up the rest of the CEOs henchmen. He didn't really want to stay around and get covered in blood.

George was stood against their car with a relaxed position, almost like he was napping. Which he was, until he sensed someone get closer. With a yawn and narrowed eyes, George tilted his head slightly as Clay placed the now squirming body in the trunk and locked it in.

"What the hell is that?"

"No clue."


Thus the pair waited for Techno in comfortable silence – ignoring the thumping from the trunk -, Clay thinking about how his little surprise would play out and George going back to sleep. Techno stepped out and across the road, when in hearing distance the pink haired man said,

"They call me the negotiator." His tone was as serious as his face, the blood splattered on the half pig mask making it all the more ironic. Clay let out a loud and long wheeze, scaring George awake. 

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