Chapter 28

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//Hi hi! sorry for the lack of chapters :(, I was suffering from continuation block. I have also just started my new nursing course so updates may only be out one at a time unless I can smash out big brain. This makes no sense but apologies for the lack of chapters once again, enjoy the double update :)//

Walking back through the early morning woods seemed magical. The sun barely peeked through the trees, the leaves reflected morning dew, and the birds were just starting to chirp. The couple strolled through the autumn leaves, keeping their hands interlocked the pair talked about what their wedding would be like, and perhaps a future beyond the Foundation. They had adoring smiles spread across their faces, both seeming to glow in the early morning light. Y/n let go of Clay's hand, seeing a fallen tree just up ahead and decided to be theatrical. She jumped up onto the long and turned around, converses hitting the decaying bark,

"I, Y/n Repose, am in love with his charming self, Clay Foster. And I shall shout upon this early sun, my love is eternal and brighter than any star above. Let it be known to the world on this here new day. He is my love and my soulmate." Y/n placed a hand over her heart and held the other out to the blond male in front of her, who was biting back a smile.

Clay grabbed her hand and stepped over the log, releasing Y/n's hand afterwards with an eye roll,

"Are you done?" he said with sarcasm, showing his capacity to deal with her antics. Y/n giggled and nodded, watching the smile Clay tried to hide.

Unanticipatedly, the ground shook causing Y/n to lose her footing and topple into Clay's chest, where he pulled them both back as the ground split and blood red vines shot from the surface, trying to impale something. It stretched like a wall as far as the pair could see, each criss-crossing at odd angles to prevent anyone from crossing. They could feel eyes watching them closely, but from which direction was unknown.

Both Clay and Y/n breathed heavily, their adrenaline slowing to a stop and their heartrates dropping. What a rush for the morning.

"Are you okay?" the pair spoke in unison, seemingly in sync with their thought process: other one first. They flashed one another a relieved smile; quiet laughter bubbling between them, before turning their attention to the now ominous vines blocked their previous path.

"We should get going...say something to Techno and Wilbur. Perhaps get in contact with Philza." Clay mumbled, his hold still protective and tight around the girl. Y/n hummed in agreement, deciding that she was actually starving. Being more on edge than before, the two trekked the last few minutes of their walk in silence, cautioning every sound and movement.


He growled slightly under breath, scarlet irises narrowed and heated with hate. He watched the couple head back towards their home, he himself allowing burgundy mist to consume his being. What a disappointing start to the morning. Schlatt yawned as his corporeal being shimmered back into existence, baring the glares of his two partners,

"Where the heck have you been?" Skeppy's eyes scanned over the demon looking being, rolling at the end,

"Don't tell me you're still trying to enact your pitiful 'revenge'."

"They're fucking engaged."

Halo's eyes widened slightly, a grin stretching over his face,

"Aw how sweet! They do make such an adorable couple." He gushed, genuinely happy for Clay and Y/n. Schlatt rolled his eyes, slamming a hand harshly against the table,

"They won't even get the chance to live out their future when I'm done."

Halo glared, his entire demeanour changing,

"You will not kill either one of them. We get them on our side no matter how long it takes. Am I clear?" The actual demon had never approved of Schlatt's revival, The Egg only doing so for an advantageous boost to their side and a cover story for Skeppy and himself to hide behind. In truth the Schlatt pushed all Halo's buttons and the SCP wanted nothing more than to rid the man of his now semi-beating heart. The table the three stationed themselves around held a map with many red splotches about the states. Some states had more than others, and some had more appearing by the second.

Schlatt waved a nonchalant hand, clearly not giving two fucks about what he had to say, causing both Halo and Skeppy to sigh.

This is going to be one long temporary partnership.


With Clay and Y/n


Clay and Y/n hastily entered the back door, to be met by three sets of childish screaming and one adult,

"Get back here you little shits!"

The three children to which the screaming belonged to, darted past the pair, a very upset looking Wilbur running after them. Even with his long legs, he was no match for the nimble kids. Clay and Y/n shared a look, before heading to the kitchen, the shorter fighting back a yawn. Upon entering said room, they were greeted by Niki and Elizabeth chatting happily with another incredibly tall person. Niki noticed them first, sending a warm smile their way,

"Good Morning! Can I get you two something?" she asked kindly,

"No thank you Niki." Y/n smiled, hugging one of Clays arms – causing the blond to smile giddily.

Niki and Elizabeth seemed to drop their cups simultaneously, their mouths agape at Y/n in utter shock. Y/n chuckled awkwardly, shifting slightly further behind Clay to hide away.

"One- What the hell? Two- IS THAT A RING?!" the last part was shouted by both Elizabeth and Niki, the duo bounding forward to inspect the piece of jewellery. The only calm one seemed to be mystery person who spoke with a deep tone,

"Congratulations you two."

This took Clay slightly aback, picking up on the voice almost instantly,


They nodded with a smile, holding out their hand for him to shake,

"Please call me Eret."

Clay took their hand and gave it a firm shake to the best of his ability with Y/n hiding behind him and Niki and Elizabeth prying for details. Karl and Nick were almost immediately summoned, Nick grabbing the poor girl and throwing her over his shoulder,

"Details! To the living room!"

He hurried off, Karl, Elizabeth and Niki following behind. Clay watched with mild amusement, turning only when Eret cleared their throat,

"You seem tense. You're happy but...worried?"

Clay sighed,

"While on our walk back we stumbled into the vines...they're spreading sir. If they're all the way up here then they're possibly all over America now."

Eret hummed in thought, considering their next words carefully,

"The Director is involved; he already knows what's going on and is investigating breach sites as we speak. You'll most likely be getting a call from him some time soon, or perhaps a word from him to me to you all."

"So, what does this mean?"

"Be prepared for anything."

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