Chapter 31

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He could hear muttering. Annoyingly whispered muttering. He knew he couldn't move, he could barely move a finger, and something was irritating his arm and he desperately needed to itch it- like a mosquito biting him constantly, but he couldn't open his eyes to check. They were lead- simply rocks in a pond. But he could hear voices. He could feel dirt in his hair and stuck to his face, along with something caking it into mud. He smelt blood so he simply assumed that's why it was. Small demonic whispers in his mind- unintelligible whispers of script. He shrugged them off and began to collect his thoughts. Last thing he saw properly was Karl...


Nick's heart clenched, the look of Karl's horrified face burning in his mind, opening a thousand cuts in his heart. He needed to get out for Karl. He already had so much lost time to make up with him. He needed to make up lost time with his adopted son. He wanted to get to his family.

"Do you think it's begun?"

"Yes...The Egg should be beginning the process now."

"Do you think he'll switch?"

"If he knows what's good for him."

"And if he doesn't?"

"The Egg will know what to do."

"And what of his friends?"

"They'll be here, and we'll be waiting."

"Should you two be speaking of this in front of the prisoner?"

"He can't hear a thing."

"The two we need to split from the pack is ---- and ---- The are most dangerous and I need them alone."

A sigh, followed by a shuffle.

"----- you'll go with him."

"Why me?!"

Silence then a groan,


Nick internally frowned. Why couldn't hear the name? A name would be useful, so he knew who to punch. The raven haired boy tried with all his might to will himself to move. Fucking work stupid ass hot body of mine! He thought, anger boiling within him. The whispers in the back of his mind grew slightly, feeding off his anger. Oh, so this is what they did.

Unlucky for the voices whispering horrible things, Nick Armstrong was able to fully direct his anger into his drive to do good. The light outweighs the dark.

The voices got quieter slightly making Nick smile.

But then they got louder.

And louder. 

Then quiet as soon as Nick combat them.

So this is how we gonna play- aight let's rumble spooky head voices.

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