Chapter 12

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She could hear voices. Muffled, but there. Not only did she feel as though she were underwater, but her body felt like it was on fire. Every bone felt like it was breaking and reforming, every nerve set alight by a foreign power. But she also felt cold. Cold like the depths of space, cold like it was only her. If she were to open her eyes she wouldn't be met with the void of her mind- rather millions upon millions of stars surrounding her. Y/n curled into herself, trying to elevate some of the pain, strained quiet whimpers falling from her dry mouth. Oh, what she would have given to just go back to stupid period cramps instead.

She fell, back into the meadow.


Armstrong couldn't help but feel agonising worry tear through him. He held onto Y/n's hand tightly just as she did him, yet she did it out of reflex.

"Wilbur what is going on with her? This didn't happen to George!" undoubtedly, he was furious that two of his closest friends had been taken and experimented on. He was slightly thankful that he got to see them again, and that George was being taken care of properly, but with Y/n.. His breath caught in his through when she stopped breathing for a second. He released it when her chest started to rise and fall again.

"I don't know. I don't know! It's possibly reacting differently to her because it was added directly into her bloodstream. There is also the factor that she is the first female patient, and the fact that she is a completely different person- I do not know Nick!"

Wilbur was beside himself. It was not supposed to go this way, it was never meant to be directly added into the bloodstream of the patient. He ran a hand through his curls, the stress tipping him to a point of no return, this entire thing was driving him mental. He needed her here. She would know what to do. She always helped- always grounded him. His eyes darted over the glow that resided within Y/n's body, the light looking awfully like a nebula you'd find in space.

"Oh my god." His accent was heavy as realisation dawned on him at what the serum had done.


With George


What the hell?

George felt fuzzy. Literally. He felt like his entire being was alit in soft tingles and tickles. It wasn't annoying, just rather odd. He didn't mind it, it was new and unlike anything before. The male with dark brown hair put a hand to his face and dragged it down, groaning in response to waking up from a fitful sleep. A blaze of memories from the events previous darted across his sleepy mind, reminding him that he was in an accident. Possibly responsible for the fuzzy feeling. George blinked, rapidly pushing the lingering drowsiness from behind his eyes. He slowly sat himself up, the world falling into its weird colour scheme he was used too. His clout goggles. Where were they? He needed them. Quickly George reached up, patting down his head to find the goggles still somehow glued to his patched up head. He let a breath escape him in relief as he pulled them back down over his carob coloured eyes. He blinked once. He pushed the glasses up and scanned the room again before pulling them down again. He blinked again.

Why on earth was there coding on his lenses?

"What the hell..." he muttered, repeatedly removing his goggles and putting them back on to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He stood on two unsteady feet, hobbling over to the light switch to test what was going on. When his fingertips came into contact with the switch, the lights in his room flickered momentarily, before remaining the mute white. Looking down at his hands, then back to the switch, he used his whole hand this time to flick it- the same occurrence, just the blackout happening for slightly longer than before. This time he saw the switch through his hands, owning an odd translucency to them.

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