Dream seme x Nightmare uke, Love more than brother love

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This is second that I write some romance story! I hope you enjoy! 🥰

Third Party Plot
Before The Star Sanses Group and The Bad Sanses were truce, they always fighting each other. The Star Sanses consisted of Dream, Ink and Blueberry. Meanwhile, The Bad Sanses consisted of Nightmare, Error, Killer, Dust, Horror and Cross. Dream is taller than Nightmare.

Dream Plot
My brother, Nightmare is become corrupted because of me. I should never leave him alone hurt by those villagers. I should do something, but how? Speak of him, we fight each other.

Nightmare Plot
The Star Sanses again! They always makes us trouble! We just plan to rest our day with picnic, suddenly, they come here! Why we don't have a good day for us?

Third party Plot
They fight and separate each other. Dream and Nightmare fight at other place. Ink and Error fight in anti void again. And for others, Blueberry and the rest of Bad Sanses were relaxing because they were good connections with Blueberry. Horror eat, Blueberry and Cross celebrate tacos team and the rest are sleep under trees. Lazy. And also, poor their leaders.

Nightmare Plot
"Huh? Where are the rest?" I said. They're not here. Wait... Dream and me see them. They start to picnic there with Blue. They are idiotic skeletons! "Brother..." Dream said. "WHAT?!" I said with angry voice. "We should truce. See them, Nightmare. They have good connections. Same for Ink and Error too!" Dream said.

Dream Plot
"Huh... Good connections? How about us, Dream? We don't have like them, Dream." Nightmare said. I know about this. "I know, Nightmare. We don't have a good relationship. I'm really apologies for abandon you, Nightmare!" I said. He is laughter and said "It's too late, Dre..." he said, but I talk to bother him. "Nightmare, it's not too late! I never abandoned you and I promise, Nightmare!" I said. I push him on the near behind him. He's quite surprised and too adorable... What's wrong with me?!

Nightmare Plot
Dream push me. He push me behind tree. I'm so surprised with his action. I look up cause he's taller than me. Since when became more handsome?! "I knew that you hate me, Nightmare." he said with sad voice and expression. Please don't look me like this, Dream. I started to blush.

I may hate him, but I more jealous of others with him. "I'm not hate you, Dream. I'm just... jealous." I said look up at him. He's so surprised. "Jealous?" he said. " Yes, Dream. I'm jealous. You spend more time with villagers than me. I feel so lonely, Dream. " I said with a little cry. I should not cry in front of Dream. He's so surprised, worried and starts to hug me. "I'm really sorry, Nightmare..." he said. "I just want you, Dream..." I said with blushing. Suddenly, Dream kisses me. I'm so surprised, but I don't hate this.

Dream Plot
When Nightmare say that he wants me, I suddenly kiss him. My body move itself as I desperately want him. I knew that I want my brother back, but I never know that I want this much. I give the best kiss that I can give him. I never leave him alone again. I love you, Nightmare.

Third Party Plot
Dream and Nightmare don't know that the rest are looking for them and see these situations. Horror, Killer and Dust are recorded them, Blueberry is glad and happy for Dream and Cross is busy with his chocolate and talk with Chara. As for Ink and Error, they're still fighting before they know their feelings for each other.

To be continued...
613 words

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