Dream seme x Nightmare uke, Love more than Brother Love Part 2

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I'm apology for writing lately. I'm quite busy with my duties. I also quite focused on art to improved my skills. By the way, I want to resume to write Dream x Nightmare story since it's needs to be continued and finished. After this, I'll write Carrot x Red story. Thank you for your patience and take your time.


After Dream kiss Nightmare, Nightmare starts to avoids him. He doesn't courage to meets Dream. His feelings was miserable and confused. Thus, only his members went out for his plan and Nightmare went with them only for he needs to.

At Nightmare Castle/Home,
Third Party Plots
Nightmare writes his documents and he almost finished his duties. Then, he remembers all that accidents, he became blushing hard and close his face.

At his office,
Nightmare Plots
I still remember that Dream kissed me, but why? Why he kissed me? And I act weak in front him! Ahhh! Why I can't forgot all that! "Stupid, Dream!" I angered to none at my office.

Third Party Plots
"Stupid, Dream!" Nightmare angered to none at his office. Despite that, all the Bad Sanses can heard his voice. "Mom maybe confused about his feelings right now." Dust said. Murder Time Trio, Dust, Killer and Horror are currently recording their mother voice and worried about their mother. Cross walks into them. Someone came near them. "What are you three doing here?" Cross ask to them.

"Record our boss voice, Cross. But, for now, boss needs help." Killer said. "Yeah. He's rarely go out after Dream kiss him. " Dust said. Horror only nodded.

Cross Plots
I already finished my job and want to report to Nightmare. Short after, I have arrived at castle Nightmare. Then, I saw Horror, Dust and Killer are outside office Nightmare.

Then, I heard voice Nightmare. "Stupid, Dream!" Nightmare angered to none at his office. Hmm... He's still thinking about that. Poor, Nightmare. "Mom maybe confused about his feelings right now." Dust said. Murder Time Trio, Dust, Killer and Horror are currently recording their mother voice and worried about their mother. I'm walked into them. "What are you three doing here?" I ask to them.

"Record our boss voice, Cross. But, for now, boss needs help." Killer said. "Yeah. He's rarely go out after Dream kiss him. " Dust said. Horror only nodded.

Third Party Plots
Horror, Dust, Killer and Cross go to living room. They want to having discussion to help Nightmare.

"We can't just leave mom like that forever!" worried Killer. "Yeah, dude!" agreed Horror. "But, how? What we should do?" asked Dust. They think about the solution for their mother, Nightmare. "Ah! I know!" suggest Killer. "What's it, Killer?" asked Cross.

"A fake war! Mom and Dream can meet each other!" suggested Killer. Dust, Horror and Cross surprise with answer Killer. "Are you serious, Killer!" argued Dust. "Wait. This might a good solution." agreed Cross with Killer. "But, we need to tell Dream about Nightmare first!" said Horror.

"Don't worry about that. I already tell Dream about Nightmare situations." said someone. They are surprised and see Error besides them. When he came back. Murder Time Trio are smirked at Error. "Error! Did you with Ink all time?" asked Killer with smirked. Error don't surprised with them since they are already known about his relationship with Ink. But, still, Error is a bit tsundere to answer the question.

"Hmph! Put that aside first. By the way, Dream know about Nightmare situations and want to have talk with him." Error said. "Do you have any idea or plan to help them?" asked Error. "We were discussing and we should make a fake war." said Horror.

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