Blue seme x Dust uke, Party and love

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I will write and do same thing here. Well, Ink, Dream and Farmer were taller than Error, Nightmare and Horror. So, Blueberry or Blue will be taller than Dust. Enjoy~

After The Bad Sanses and The Star Sanses were truce, Au's world became stable and normal. The Bad Sanses and The Star Sanses have date each and became lover, except Blue and Dust. They are not a lover yet... Dust jealous and became lonely because his family, The Bad Sanses have lovers and he's still single.

In this moment, they are holding a party at castle Star Sanses for the truce between The Bad Sanses and The Star Sanses. The party started at night.

Dust Plots
I... I kinda jealous when everyone has someone to love. But, I don't have someone to love me. My team family, Bad Sanses were truce recently with Star Sanses.

They also date each other. Our mother and father, Nightmare and Error couple with Dream and Ink. Cross also date with Epic. I also don't believe my best friends, Killer and Horror date with Outer and Farmer! My family betrayed me and I'm the one single right now! Ugh...

Well, at least, my ghost brother always with me, and I'm not lonely. He try his best to cheering me. However, I still want to someone love me. I see my family with theirs lovers. I lost interest in this castle and go outside castle to get some air. I go to garden and see a lot of star at sky. "Beautiful..." I said. I sit on the ground and continue to enjoy star gazing.

Blue Plots
I'm happy for my friends! Yeah! Then, I see Dust alone. Why he looks not enjoy and happy? I do have interested in him, and trying to get know about him. He's may bad towards me at first time when we meet, but, he became more aware of my good intentions.

He's funny, cool and adorable at same times. Everytime I thought about him, I feel warm, calm and smile without I know about this. Other from this, I have seen he talks to himself, actually not. I do can see ghost and I see that Dust talk to his brother as well as Cross and Chara. He's looking so happy and adorable smile when he was talking to his brother.

He never smiles towards me like that and I feel... jealous. I want Dust smile for me. Wait... Why I feel like this? My heart beat was fast and I soon knew that I had feelings for him.

Dust was went outside castle and I started to follow him. I see him that he go to garden and he is smiling. He's really adorable.

Dust Plots
I was enjoyed my star gazing, but then, I was disturbed by some noise. I look behind and see Blue. He must want to see star gazing as well. He's good looking and good personality that he can befriended with everyone. I think about this.

Why he doesn't have a lover? He should have a someone that he love right now. I do favour on him, but, he's too good for someone like me. It's impossible for us to love each other, right? So, I became his friend and I like him. He's good guy.

"Hello, Dust! I'm sorry for disturb you!" Blue apologies. "It's fine, Blue. Do you want to join for star gazing, Blue?" I ask. He's looking so surprised. Maybe I should not ask. "It's okay..." I said, but disturb by the surprise words from Blue. "Sure, Dust!" he said.

He's smile blushing and sat beside me. Why he is blushing? He's sick?! I better watch over him. "Are you okay, Blue?" I ask worried. I put my hand on his hand and make worried face. He blushing hard. "I'm fine, Dust!" he said sheepishly.

I don't trust his words and put my head on his chest. He's so surprised and blushing hard. His heart beat so fast when I put my head on his chest. I felt that I was hugging after that. "Blue?" I said and look at his face. He's become serious and blushing a little. Did I do something wrong? I started to worry.

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