Cross seme x Epic uke, Love your best friends

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I'm ships these guys. Theirs connections between au and people were close. Epic is 27/43 years old and Cross is 30 years old. Cross from X-Tale and Epic from Epictale. Enjoy~

Third Party Plots
Epic miss Cross. They were used to be close, but when event happened on X-Tale and everything, they become enemies. Epic don't want to become his enemy, especially Cross was his best friend.

Epic looks his old photo which he and Cross were close together in theirs childhood. "I miss you, bruh." Epic murmured. He kept his photo in his pocket clothes.

His phone is ringing. He take his phone. It's Ink call. He answer his calls. "What's it, bruh?" Epic asked. "Bad Sanses have attacked at Underfell! Come quickly, Epic!" Ink shouted.

Epic will see his best friend, or rather his enemy. He kinda happy to see Cross. "Right away, bruh!" Epic answered and teleport to behind Ink.

"Good... Wait, Epic?!" Ink sputtered because Ink still think Epic needs time to go here. He's faster. Ink doubts about Epic ability. "Bruh." Epic spoke and wave his hand.

Cross Plots
My family need supplies food at Underfell. Horror help his younger brother, Papyrus and our parents had hard time to do something. So, Dust, Killer and me go for errand at Underfell. Ink mistakes our plan and thinking that we attack at Underfell.

What the heck Ink think again?! I see Ink make call. I wonder who Ink call? "Bad Sanses have attacked at Underfell! Come quickly, Epic!" Ink shouted.

Wait... He did call my best friend to came here?! Now, I'm mad. I don't want my best friend to get hurt! Before Epic get hurt, I should distract him to other place. Rather call him, Epic, as my best friend, he's my everything and I love him.

"Hey, Cross. Why you don't confess your feelings to your Epic?" Killer teased me. Horror, Killer and Dust know that I love Epic. I don't know how they know about this.

We, Killer, Dust and me already finished our errand and notice Ink at Underfell. He must notice our presence at Underfell. We know that we teleport to our home right now, but Ink calls Epic to come at Underfell.

Killer and Dust used this as a chance for me to confess my feelings towards Epic. But, I think it's not a good idea. Especially at this situation and how bad connections between Bad Sanses and Star Sanses.

"Right, dude! Confess, Cross!" Dust agree with Killer. "Don't you miss him a lot, Cross?" they smirked. I blushing a little. "Shut up... But, thanks. " I mumbled. Killer and Dust patted my head and smile proud as big brothers. I'm not a child anymore, guys!

"I'll go for him, guys. Stay here and don't try to take a picture, okay?" I pondered. "Okay, Cross. You can do this!" they cheered. I nodded as thanks and go to Epic. I kinda motivated after they said and I believe that they will take picture of me and Epic.

Epic Plots
Ink and me are go different directions. He go to city and me go to forest. "Epic." some voice calls me. I know this voice. "Cross?" I said. Cross came out from his hide, came at me and smile beautiful.

I blushing hard when I see his smile. Charming and handsome... Bruh?! Why I think about this in this situation, especially Cross?!

"Epic, I need to talk with you. Can we go somewhere?" Cross spoke. He's my best friend, but he's also my enemy! Cross examined me and understand that I can't trust him. "I'm not attack you, Epic. Trust, me, Epic. " he reassured.

We are silence for a moment. "Okay, bruh." I responded. Cross looks relived after I said. I followed him behind. "What are you guys doing at Underfell, Cross, bruh? I asked.

"Just buy food supplies, Epic." Cross answer. I'm surprised and said "Not attack Underfell, bruh?" I asked again. "Yep, dude." Cross said.

"Ink mistakes you guys to attack Underfell, bruh! LOL!" I laughed. I'm giggle about this. Cross smile a little. We at mountain. It's get dark. He came near me and whispered to my ear. "You're cute, Epic." he whispered to my ear. I'm blushing hard after that sentence from Cross.

Cross Plots
Epic is blushing hard. He's so adorable. We sit on the ground and see sun get down. "I miss you, Epic." I stated. Epic looks at me. "I miss you too, Cross, bruh." Epic said. Epic hugging me after said that.

I also hugging him back and smile honestly to him. He's blushing and started to make a miserable face. I giggled at his funny action. I should confess right now.

"Epic." I started. "Yes, Cross, bruh!" he squeals. Cute. "I want to tell you something. If you're hate me after this, I still care about you. All I want for you are you're safe and I want to protect you as long as I can, Epic." I mentioned.

Epic looks so shocked after I said this. He's blushing and started to worry. "Why you saying this, Cross, bruh? I never hate you, Cross, bruh." he said and questioned me.

I'm happy to hear that, Epic. However, I should worried after this, Epic. To love your best friend is a weird part, right? "Because I'm..." I said, but I stop because I noticed Killer and Dust behind us. They're silence, hide in bushes and recording me and Epic. These guys!

"You're?" Epic question me. I feel envious and want to cry after this. I'll know that I rejected and hated by Epic after this. "Because I love you, Epic." I stuttered. I'm cry a little. Epic looks surprised and looks at me.

He's blushing hard after hearing this. He must hate me. I resume my sentences. "I.. miss and can't stop to think about you, Epic. I think about how adorable are you, Epic. Without my notice, I'm already love in you, Epic." I stated again.

I look at Epic and sad smile. Epic looks quiet and I feel envious about this. Epic always loudly and cheering attitude. Epic hugging me tightly suddenly. "Epic?" I ask.

Epic Plots
"Because I love you, Epic." Cross stuttered. What?! I never know that Cross love me?! I do love him, but I thought that he love someone else than me.

I was always thought about this because we're best buddies. It's strange for us or best friends to feel love each other more than friendship. "I.. miss and can't stop to think about you, Epic. I think about how adorable are you, Epic. Without my notice, I'm already love in you, Epic." Cross stated again.

I look at his face and he's want to crying?! I'm worried, bruh! I hug him tightly and patted his back. "Epic?" he asked. I look at him and give reassured smile to tell it's okay. He's started to smile warm.

I blushing hard after seeing his charming smile. "I love you too, Cross, bruh." I giggled. I'm smile a little and close my eyes. I feel my mouth touched by something.

I opened my eyes and saw my best friend kiss me. It's simple kiss, but it's feel so warm and comfortable. My world is expanding and I want to be longer in kissing by him, Cross.

It's too bad because he kiss me for short time. "Bruh. Cross, kiss more, bruh." I teased him.

Cross Plots
"Bruh. Cross, kiss more, bruh." Epic teased me. I'm blushing a little, I giggled and smile a little. "Yes, Epic~" I surmised him. He smile and blushing hard. He's so adorable.

We're going to be in deep kiss and panting. I love my best friend, Epic.

Third Party Plots
Cross forgot about Killer and Dust still in bushes and recording theirs kissing. Killer and Dust smirked. "Good thing here that we buy popcorn to see this show." Killer smirked. "Yup, dude." Dust smirked as well.

"Can I join, too?" Ink asked. "Sure, dude." Killer answered. Ink, Killer and Dust watch the show while eating popcorn.

*The End*
1391 words


I wonder why Ink is there, including Killer and Dust are fine with that. As there's no war or fighting between them! LOL. By the way, I ships them, Cross and Epic!

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