Geno Seme x Reaper Uke, Not accident fall

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It's quite long time that I writes this book! Sorry 😞 Anyway, let's continue our story here, okay?

Geno is a bit bashful but caring person. Meanwhile, Reaper is affectionate and always around Geno. Geno is always mad at him, but loves Reaper secretly.

As usually, Reaper is always intimacy with Geno. They are at place where the place they can go and almost everyone can't enter. And all suddenly, Reaper accidentally fall on Geno and kisses Geno. Reaper kept sorry to Geno and Geno kept staring at him quietly. Then suddenly, Geno starts laughing softly and Reaper look up confused. He see Geno smiling lightly. He looks like he's happy.
"What happened?" Reaper asked confused. Geno just keeps smiling. Geno then lean forward and kiss Reaper slowly. Geno kiss like a lover. Reaper was frozen. He didn't move. He didn't know what to do. Geno stopped after a while. He looked at Reaper and smiled sheepishly. Geno said something that Reaper couldn't understand.
"Is this real or am I dreaming?"
"Why did you ask that?"
Reaper don't know how to answer. He look down embarrassed. Geno look at Reaper and start laughing. Reaper start blush furiously. Then Geno pulled Reaper into another kiss. Geno keep kiss with soft smile on his face. Reaper started kissing back slowly. Soon, Reaper forgot about everything. He only focus on Geno. Geno slowly pull away.
"Sorry, I didn't meant to make you uncomfortable." Geno said shyly and slightly apologetic. Reaper shake his head quickly and put his hand behind Geno neck and pull him closer.
"Don't apologize." Reaper whispered in Geno ear. Geno smiled happily and start kiss again. This time Geno deepen it. The kiss get hotter. Reaper push Geno against the wall. Their bodies were touching each other. Reaper can feel Geno body trembling from excitement.
"I have something to say first." Reaper said slowly. Geno stilled a bit but nod his head. Reaper take a deep breath.
"Geno..." Reaper whisper and stop for a moment. Geno hummed quietly.
"I really like you. But... If you want me to be your boyfriend..." Reaper said and stopped again. Geno turn red. He felt his heart beating rapidly. Geno took a deep breath. Geno put his hands on Reaper waist.
"You mean, I could kiss you whenever and wherever I want?" Geno ask. Reaper tilt his head to the side.
"That's what I meant. If it's okay with you..." Reaper said nervously. Geno chuckle lightly.
"Well, you are my boyfriend now so yes, I would like that too." Geno said and peck Reaper lips. Reaper smile happily. Geno kiss him again. Both of them can't stop smiling. It feels like eternity that both of them kissing each other. Suddenly, there was a sound echo in their place. They open their eyes slowly and stare at each other.
"Did we do something wrong?" Reaper ask nervously. Geno shook his head. Geno kiss Reaper nose.
"I think we're doing it right." Geno winked at Reaper. Reaper blush and smile.
"Let's do it some more." Reaper said and pull Geno flush against his body. Geno nodded happily.
They continue kissing, and holding each other close. Neither of them mind if others could watch them. All that matter is the feeling that they give each other. No one needs to know anything else.

587 words

Awww... that's sweet and kinda embarrassed to see theirs situations. Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoy! 💓
Edit: If you're curious about the noises, it's Leware.

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