Carrot seme x Red uke, Hate, help and love

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Yeah! Today is my birthday! I really apologize for writing this lately. Frankly busy with my life and I may have forgotten to write this. Hahaha. Anyway, enjoy the story and thank you very much!

Carrot and Red spent time together making puns at Blue and Carrot's house. Blue is busy training with Alphy at the castle in Underswap and while Edgy, he is busy working as a captain's guard in Underfell. So, Carrot and Red are alone together at home. As they made puns and talked a few things, Carrot couldn't stop to look at Red.

Carrot touched Red's face and smiled softly at him. Red blushed and Carrot laughed at his behavior. "W....what are you doing, bastard ?!" Red asked in a messy tone. Carrot laughed a little before saying anything. "It's just ... you're so cute, Red." Carrot laughed at Red. Carrot still touched Red's face and squashes Red face gently. Red blushed hard. "I'm ... not cute, bastard!" Red took revenge on Carrot and removed Carrot's hand from his face. "I'm sorry. Hehehe ..." Carrot laughed softly and closed his right eye on Red.

Red blushing is getting harder. "All right, I'll get some snacks from the kitchen. Do you want mustard, Red?" Carrot asked. Red looked at him and just nodded. "All right! I'll be right back." Carrot said and laughed at Red's behavior. Carrot went to the kitchen after he said that.

Red sat on the couch alone. He murmured something. "No no no! I'm not in love with that bastard!" Red murmured to himself. He remembered their first relationship ever since. During their meeting, they hated each other. Carrot doesn't like him because he thinks that Red is a bad influence on his younger brother, Blue. As for Red, he doesn't like Carrot because of the way Carrot treats him as a bad guy and Red hates him. He may be a bad guy, but not too much.

Red loves and cherishes his little brother, Edgy so much that he lets Edgy be his boss and bullies him a lot. Carrot immediately became aware of this situation. Red doesn't believe that Carrot is fighting for him and protecting him from Edgy. He also treated Red kindly. After much conflict, Edgy treats Red better and is no longer bullied to him.

Red appreciates the kindness of Carrot and wants to say thank you. Carrot joked and got revenge on Red when he said he appreciated it. Red felt remorse soon after and blushed at the time. Not only that, Red was shocked when Carrot apologized to him. Red says it's okay and blushed. Carrot laughed at his behavior.

"Hey, Red! I have mustard for you!" screamed from the kitchen. Red blinked for a moment and he realized that he remembered about the past. Carrot took snacks from the kitchen and put them on the table. Carrot saw Red was a bit sick and worried about it. Carrot quickly walked towards him. "Are you okay, Red?" Carrot asked worriedly. Carrot's face was close to his. Red was shocked and blushed in embarrassment. "I'm ... fine, bastard! Your face is too close!" Red tie.

Carrot kept looking at him with a serious face. "Carrot?" Red asked. Carrot continued to touch Red's face gently to his lips. Red didn't fight or push Carrot away. Red looked into his eyes. Red's soul grew more stable and fast. Carrot's face kept getting closer and closer to his face. Red doesn't know what's happening really here, but he just closes his eyes.

Carrot kissed Red softly and happily. Their breath felt hotter and steamy. They kept kissing until they had to breathe for a while. The saliva of their mouths intertwined. Red realized that Carrot kissed him and blushed hard. Carrot laughed. "I love you so much, Red." Carrot confessed to him. Red was a little shocked and made a messy face. Carrot waited and looked at Red to say something. Red became increasingly flushed. "I love you too, bastard ..." Red muttered arguing. Carrot blushed a little and laughed at Red's behavior. Carrot kissed Red again soon after.

*The End*
711 words

Yeah! I succeeded! I want to use bad language in this story, and yes, I can't! Ugh ... Anyway, I really like this story!

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