Farmer seme x Horror uke, Adorable Scary

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I really like this view flowers view at mountain. So, I decided put this picture and picture from Pinterest that I found. So beautiful! 🥰


Farmer do his usual job at farming. Then, he see Horror came to visit him. Horror waves hello and Farmer do the same. Farmer remember on their first meeting. At first, Farmer was scary of Horror, because on Horror face and personality.

Farmer learned about Horror. Horror may scary, but he's funny and good heart. The more Farmer learned and spends time with Horror, the more Farmer likes about him. Soon, he fell in love with Horror.

He became more touched Horror and Horror don't mind about that. Well, Horror thinking about food than feeling Farmer. Farmer feel a little sad, but chuckle at his innocence. Farmer thinks Horror is so adorable.

When spring season came, Farmer asks Horror go on picnic with him. Horror agree because he likes food. So, they are picnic on the mountain with full beautiful flowers and scenery. They enjoy view. After time past by, they start to eat. Horror eats too fast and a little messy of his face.

Farmer chuckle at his behaviour. His finger help to clean Horror face, lick his finger and giggle at Horror. Horror blush and surprised on Farmer do to him. Horror became a little shy around Farmer.

But, Horror soon forgets about Farmer behaviour and go play around flower. He plays around at centre flowers and smile at Farmer. Farmer became blush, run towards Horror, they fell together  and staring at Horror.

Horror confusing at Farmer behaviour today. He don't do this. Farmer staring hard at Horror face and Horror blush. "Farmer, are you okay?" Horror said. "I love you, Horror." Farmer said. Horror surprised and more became surprised when Farmer kissing him.

Horror became deep in this feeling and letting Farmer kiss him. Farmer giggle at Horror when he needs to breathe before kissing Horror again. "I love you too, Farmer." Horror said. Horror looks at Farmer with deep blush face and pants.

Farmer looks so happy and kissing him again. "He's so adorable..." Farmer thinks about Horror himself.

*The End*
384 words

I really like this ship! 😍

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