Sports Festival Part 7 - A Fiery Will

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Chapter 17


"SHUT UP, USE BLIZZARD" Todoroki shouted back

"Counter it using Aura Sphere!!" Midoriya ordered, As Ninetales blasted another Blizzard from its mouth Riolu sent a ball of its aura directly at it, the two attacks connected and Aura Sphere powered through pushing back against the Blizzard smashing into Ninetales, "Now Metal Claw", Riolu dashed across the battlefield in an instant hitting Ninetales with its metal claws in an uppercut movement

"Ninetales!!" Todoroki shouted

"End it with Force Palm" Riolu spun mid air slamming its palm into Ninetales sending it flying into the wall behind Todoroki

"W-Wha" Todoroki looked back towards his Pokemon, fainted, "Come back Ninetales"

"Well Todoroki, that's two, are you gonna give up and keep running from your problems, or will you face them head on?" Midoriya asked

Todoroki took the final pokeball off his belt and stared down at it, remembering his mother

"Shoto, follow your dreams, don't let these hard times hold you back, promise me, you'll keep moving forward and smiling"

"Come out, Vulpix" Todoroki threw the Pokeball, and out came the small red fox Pokemon Vulpix, upon realizing she was in battle she looked back at her trainer who was kneeling down reaching out to her

"I've treated you pretty badly huh?" He said while patting the small Pokemon "I'm sorry, for everything, looks like I really am no better than my old man"

"Well what are you gonna do about it?" Midoriya asked

Todoroki looked up at him, and smiled "I'm gonna keep moving forward with everything I've got" he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small yellow stone with a flame symbol on it "And that starts with beating you, right here, with my full power"

The Fire Stone burst into flames wrapping around Vulpix and exploding into an inferno, a bright blue glow erupting from within, Vulpix grew in size its number of tails increased and grew as well when the fire died down, Vulpix was no longer there, in her place stood a Kantonian Ninetales an aura of flames seemed to envelope her

"Looks like she's ready to go" Midoriya said "Well so are we right Riolu?", Riolu's aura flared once more as it prepared to take on his next opponent

"Ninetales, use Flamethrower" Todoroki said, the fire fox Pokemon blasted out a stream of powerful flames directed at Riolu

"Dodge it" Midoriya shouted, Riolu began avoiding the flames using its small size and greater agility to dash and dive around the attacks, "Now use Force Palm" Riolu jumped into the air above Ninetales' flamethrower, he came down smashing his palm into the fire fox

"Sunny Day" Todoroki commanded, Ninetales roared, causing the sun to increase in intensity, a scorching heat enveloped the arena

"Use Aura Sphere" Midoriya yelled, Riolu gathered aura into two spheres in its paws and sent them both at Ninetales

"FLAMETHROWER" Todoroki shouted, An intense stream of fire blasted out from Ninetales' mouth, hitting both Aura Spheres causing them to explode the attack also just barely hit Riolu's arm,

Midoriya winced in pain and looked down at his arm "This pain, Is this what All Might was talking about? We gotta finish this fast" Riolu looked back at his trainer in concern "Don't worry about me Riolu, close the distance between you and use Force Palm" Riolu nodded and dashed at his opponent

"Use Fire Blast" Ninetales gathered fire into a ball sending it flying toward Riolu, the flames shaped into the Kanji for big, nearly impacting Riolu he was able to slide under it, Midoriya sidestepped the flames which exploded once they hit the wall behind him

"NOW FORCE PALM" Midoriya shouted, Riolu hit Ninetales full force with his palm knocking the fire Pokemon back a bit

"Flamethrower, get him away from us" Todoroki commanded, Ninetales blasted another stream of fire point blank at Riolu who just barely dodged out of the way but was now on the other side of the arena "Let's end this, SOLAR BEAM" Ninetales gathered energy from the intense sun and blasted an extremely powerful beam of energy at Riolu

"WE WON'T LOSE THAT EASILY, AURA STORM" Riolu gathered energy between its paws


The beam got closer as it tore up the arena


"Thank you, for showing me the Light, Midoriya"

The beam just seconds away, a bright light blinding nearly everyone in the stadium


Riolu blasted his own beam of energy, impacting Ninetale' Solar Beam the two energy blasts battled for dominance



"THEY'RE GONNA DESTROY EVERYTHING!!" Ojiro shouted while holding onto his seat to avoid being blown away

"COME ON DEKU WIN THIS" Uraraka cheered

"SHOW THIS RICH KID WHAT YOU CAN DO IZUKU" Bakugou chimed in cheering on his friend/rival

"COME ON IZU BLOW HIM AWAY" Tokage yelled cheering on her cousin


Suddenly Riolu's aura completely disappeared as Solar Beam got closer and closer, it impacted the small blue Pokemon, resulting in a massive flash of light

When the light died down, Riolu was unconscious in a crater, while Midoriya was laying a little ways away also unconscious

"Riolu is unable to battle, the winner is Ninetales and so the victor is Todoroki"

Todoroki stood at his end of the arena, breathing heavily, he looked down at his Ninetales who was now limping towards him, he knelt down and hugged her

"This will be our first step"


What I've updated two times in one week, is it the end of the world or something?

Thanks for reading, have a lovely day

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