Rest and Relaxation... Or Not

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Chapter 9

The day after the attack, the school was temporarily closed in order to give the students some time to recover, during the morning Midoriya was pacing back and forth in his room attempting to figure out how to ask Uraraka if she wanted to hang out with him today

"What should I say? Uhhh, Uraraka please spend the day with me, no that sounds to desperate" He began muttering lost in thought he barely heard his phone go off in his pocket

Uraraka: Hey Deku :) Wanna hang out today?

"Oh Wow she beat me to it" Midoriya thought to himself

Midoriya: Sure thing! Where do you wanna go

Uraraka: There's this really nice Cafe that I found that I wanna try going to, I heard they sell some really tasty sweets :D

Midoriya: Alright let's head there then, meet me at Dagobah Beach?

Uraraka: Sure thing cya in a bit :P

"Alright we're heading to a cafe, you wanna come Riolu?" Midoriya asked his partner as he put on a jacket, Riolu waved Midoriya off while laying on his bed

"Are you sure?"

"Rioooo" He responded tiredly

"Okay then I'll be back later today"

Midoriya rushed out the door to meet his friend

Riolu got up from his spot and waddled into the living room where Inko was sitting and reading

"Oh hello Riolu did you not wanna go with Izuku?" she asked to which Riolu shook his head and climbed up onto the couch

"Are you feeling alright darling? You don't look so good" Inko put down her book and scooted over beside Riolu

Riolu looked down at it's paws sadly "Rio-lu" It mumbled

"Is it because of what happened yesterday?" Inko pet Riolu on the head "I heard you got hurt pretty bad" Riolu attempted to resist her gentle hand but ended up giving in and let himself be pet "Your quite prideful I've noticed, It's cause you lost isn't it you've never lost before huh?"

"Luuu" Riolu whined

"Losing is okay you know, as long as you learn from it and get better as a result" She comforted the pup "I'm sure Izuku doesn't hold it against you so you shouldn't either

Riolu's ears perked up, he could get better, by losing? By learning? Riolu thought to himself, he wanted to be strong, stronger than anything, strong enough to never lose, he thought back to Buzzwole and felt determined, he'll get stronger and one day he'd never lose again

"You seem to be a bit happier now" Inko giggled

"Rio!" Riolu barked happily

"Alright then do you wanna help me prepare dinner for when those two get back?" Inko asked to which Riolu nodded cheerfully "Ok then come on"


When Midoriya got to the beach Uraraka was already there looking out over the waves as he approached, As he got closer and was about to call out to her he stopped, the sun was on the horizon painting the land in a beautiful orange, Uraraka turned around as she heard his footprints, The rays of sunlight gave her an almost angelic glow and for a second Midoriya thought "Has she always been that pretty?"

"Hey Deku, good morning" She smiled to her friend

"H-Hey Uraraka" He stuttered back "L-let's get going shall we" Midoriya held out his hand, Uraraka's cheeks became slightly flushed as she took his hand in hers

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