Elite Four, Mirko

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Chapter 20


Midoriya ducked under the kick, and rolled to the left, with a hand on one of his Pokeballs he got up and looked back toward his assailant, whose foot was now stuck in a hole in the door

"Ah shit, Hey kid nice reflexes" She said

"M-Mirko?" Midoriya placed his pokeball back on his belt "W-What was that for?"

"Just testin you" she broke her foot free from the door and turned to face Midoriya, "So you must be Izuku Midoriya"

"Y-Yeah that's me" Midoriya stuttered

Mirko reached for a pokeball on her belt, as she threw it up into the air her bracelet began to glow, bursting out of the pokeball a Mega Lopunny landed right in front of Midoriya

"Well, bring out Riolu already, lets see what you got" Mirko put her hands on her hips as her Lopunny threw punches and kicks at the air, visibly excited to fight

Midoriya complied and brought out Riolu from his pokeball "Alright you ready Riolu?" the aura pup nodded but while it looked back at Midoriya, Lopunny had dashed behind it and slammed its leg into Riolu's side sending him flying into the wall

"WE'RE STARTING" Mirko shouted

Midoriya stood still in shock before shaking his head and getting his bearing, "Riolu, Lets do this"

"RIO" Riolu getting up let out a yip of excitement

The next 6 hours of the night were mostly Midoriya and Riolu getting their asses handed to them,

Yes, both of them, about 2 hours into their 'training' Mirko suggested Midoriya learned how to fight so he could train alongside Riolu, which lead to Mirko knocking Midoriya on his butt 200 times, while Riolu got flung around the room

"Alright that'll be it for today" Mirko said, sounding a little frustrated

Midoriya and Riolu both laid sprawled out on the floor exhausted

"Why didn't you have Riolu use Battle Bond" Mirko asked

Midoriya sat up quickly before regretting that and laying back down in pain "H-How did you know about Battle Bond" he asked

Mirko put her hands on her hips "Someone I looked up too when I was little used a similar power, her version was a lot weaker though" she said looking down at the two sitting on the floor "She was an amazing trainer, she could have become Champion but she chose not to and she used a Lucario, and you use a Riolu so I guess you could say this is destiny or something"

"It sounds like you really looked up to her" Midoriya said with a smile

"Yep, not only that but I interned with her like you are with me right now" Mirko threw a towel at Midoriya, "Clean yourself up trainings done for today"

The next few days were entirely just Mirko kicking Midoriya's ass, until

"Alright get your stuff we're going out for a bit" Mirko said after a few hours of training

Midoriya got up and followed Mirko "Where are we going?" he asked

"Hosu, there have been reports of someone attacking people and stealing their Pokemon there, we're gonna find them and stop them"

"Yes Ma'am" Midoriya stood up and clenched his fist in determination


Upon arriving in Hosu it was chaos, several wild Pokemon were going crazy causing havoc

"What's going on?" Midoriya asked

"I don't know, but we have to help the civilians" Mirko said letting out her Lopunny and Mega evolving it "Lets go"

"Right" Midoriya brought out Riolu to help as well


"Now your Pokemon will be free" a man wearing a red bandana over his face held a knife to the throat of a trainer "After that, well I'll kill you"

"You there, villain"

The man turned to look toward the voice

"You are Stain correct? Well I am here to stop you" The boy with blue hair wearing glasses, with a Prinplup at his side stood at the entrance of the alley "For my brother I will defeat you right here"

"I see, then Die"


And so the Stain arc begins, I have something special planned, so I hope your all looking forward to it, hehe

Thanks for reading, have a lovely day

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