You can do it Yaoyorozu

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Chapter 28

Team Todoroki

As they kept to the shadows silently Gothitelle kept glancing into the future in an attempt to figure out when Aizawa was going to attack

"How's it going back there" Todoroki asked as he peaked around a corner

"It's going well, Gothitelle hasn't foreseen our encounter yet, she can only see so far into the future" Yaoyorozu said

"Alright just stay close"

"As expected from you Todoroki" Yaoyorozu praised him

"What is?" the red and white haired boy asked looking back

"Not only did you figure out a strategy to deal with Aizawa, but you're also able to make snap decisions on the best course of action" She said

"It's nothing, just normal" Todoroki responded

"Is it?, The recommended students of UA should have all kicked off at the same pace, yet I'm the only one who hasn't produced any results" Yaoyorozu looked down, Gothitelle patted her on the back in an attempt to comfort her

Todoroki turned around as the girl began to mutter something else about self loathing when he realized

"Yaoyorozu does something feel off to you?" He asked

Yaoyorozu looked around "Now that you mention it yeah"

Looking down at their feet, their shadows had merged and become a lot bigger than they should have been

"SHIT!!!" Todoroki backed up and was about to order Ninetales to attack when

"Dark Void" Aizawa commanded standing on a telephone pole, Darkrai rose from the shadow and blasted Ninetales with a shadowy orb causing her to fall asleep immediately

"I'M SO SORRY" Yaoyorozu yelled

"If your really sorry then jump into action right away" Aizawa said as Darkrai rose into the air in front of him

"Come on Flareon" Todoroki brought out his next Pokemon after returning Ninetales "Flamethrower"

"Disable" Darkrai's eye began to glow, canceling Flareons attack "In a situation like this you should prioritize evasion since the initiative has been taken from you"

"Yaoyorozu, RUN!!!" Todoroki yelled

"Ah, so that's your plan? If that's so then" Aizawa jumped down from the pole "Darkrai"

The pitch black Pokemon charged at Flareon pinning it against a wall holding it by the throat

Yaoyorozu turned and ran the other way with her Pokemon

"Why would you throw away the advantage of outnumbering me" Aizawa asked

"Tch" Todoroki gritted his teeth "Flare Blitz, Flareon!!!!!"

Flareon then burst into flames burning Darkrai who was holding onto him

"Back off Darkrai" Aizawa ordered

"GO!!" Todoroki yelled Flareon charged towards Darkrai, the flames surrounding its body turning blue

"Dark Pulse" Darkrai blasted Flareon with a beam of dark energy causing an explosion sending the small fire Pokemon flying backwards

"Flareon!!! You okay?" Todoroki asked, Flareon nodded as he struggled to stand

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around why you thought splitting up was a good idea" Aizawa said "I suppose you thought you could keep me occupied while she sneaks around and uses her Pokemon's psychic powers to steal the necklace and win, but did you ever think to discuss that with her?"

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