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Chapter 24

As the buzzer sounded and the 5 trainers raced into the battleground,

"Ready Lucario? Battle Bond Activate!!!" Midoriya yelled, Lucairo's aura flared up, it stomped on the ground leaving cracks in the concrete and disappeared, suddenly, 3 of the closest robots exploded as Lucario reappeared nearby skidding to a stop

"W-WHAT???" Kaminari yelled "I DIDN'T EVEN SEE HIM MOVE!!"

"H-He moved so fast" Yaoyorozu stuttered in amazement

Tokage whistled, "Now that was cool"

"GO KICK SOME BUTT DEKU" Uraraka cheered


Midoriya dashed past the others while they stood gaping at Lucario's ludicrous speed

"Let's go Lucario" He said to his partner as they ran off further into the battlefield

Sero shook his head, "We won't fall behind lets go" Galvantula nodded and followed his trainer off into the city

The others also snapped back to reality and each ran off in their own direction



"String Shot, tie em up" Sero commanded as Galvantula lassoed several bots tying them together and hanging them from a pole "Now Thunderbolt" Galvantula shot electricity through the string electrifying the robots caught by its attack frying them and causing them to explode

"How many is that now, 12?" Sero said wiping some sweat off his brow


"Use Sludge Bomb" Ashido shouted, Sliggoo launched out balls of sludge, hitting some robots causing them to explode "Wow this is a lot harder than I thought" she panted as her Sliggoo slid back towards her

"Wonder how everyone else is fairing"


"Steel Wing" A robot was cleaved in half as Skarmory flew past it slashing at it with its metal wings "Good job Skarmory, it's good to see you back in tip top shape" Iida said as he pet Skarmory's beak

"We won't fall behind" He said with determination


"Brick Break" Ambipom used one of its tails to jump into the air, bringing the other one down onto an unsuspecting robot causing it to explode

"Nice one buddy, let's move onto the next one


"Bone Rush" Midoriya ordered, Lucario created a bone shaped staff from energy and dashed at the several robots in front of them, with blinding speed it struck each one before returning to Midoriya's side, it then pretended to sheathe the bone staff like a sword, when he did all the robots exploded simultaneously

Midoriya applauded Lucario's performance which caused the Aura Pokemon to bow pridefully

"Well you've certainly gotten used to your new form fast" Midoriya said

Lucario smirked and nodded swinging around the bone staff with skill and precision as a way of showing off

Midoriya rolled his eyes "Come on buddy, we're running out of time, lets take out a few more" he said as he began running up ahead to look for more robots

Lucario spun his staff and made it disappear before chasing after his trainer


"Wow Midoriya has really gotten stronger" Kaminari said while watching the screen

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