Chapter two

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Still walking around the city. I stopped at a Barnes & Nobles, I wasn't planning on buying a book but I was planning on looking around and buying a drink.

I reached for the door and a guy on the other side opened it for me. He was taller than me to the point where I could probably touch his head with the top of my head on my tippy toes, (im 5'6). Wearing a blue sweater over a collared shirt and glasses. He had the sharpest jawline effortlessly and dark curly hair, a part of his hair covered his glasses. He opened the door for me and before I was able to say thank you he was outside. I didn't notice how attractive he was before. I was more focused on the coffee I was gonna get, the book genre I was going to go too first, and I was having a debate in my head whether or not If Gal Gadot was single, would she and Chris Pine get into a relationship, I concluded no.

I went to order my coffee and forgot that Barnes & Nobles sell more than just books and coffee so I got a turkey sandwich. I was over at the kids section which I knew I would be, I took the book "Goodnight Moon" that made me cry a little because I haven't seen that book in a decade maybe. I was called to the front for my coffee and food, I walked down the aisle of shelves to the front and I saw the pink sweater again. I was scared to look up to see where he was looking because I didn't want him to see me look at him. I walked up and got my order like he wasn't there.

"Good night moon?" He said to me surprised that I had the book.

" Yeah."

"Good choice." He said, trying to start a conversion with me.

'Yeah that's why I picked it." Face palming my brian inside my head.

"I could pay for that if you'd like."

"No, I'm ok, thanks a lot though."

"No let me pay for it."

Before I was able to rephrase no again he took out his card and gave it to the lady at the counter and she took it like she was ready to use it to buy a car.

"What's your name miss"?

I looked at him like he was saying the world was flat. I don't know why I looked at him like that though, I had no problem with it, I actually liked it.


"Ma'am, lady... I could call you by your name if you would give it to me."



"That's what I told you."

"You're a bit of a bitch aren't you."

We had walked to a window table, the outside was already pitch black. I was too focused on the man in front of me that was bold enough to call a woman he had just met a "bitch".

My eyes widened and I smiled a bit but I automatically changed my face to shocked and offended.

"You're not serious? Did you just call me a bitch?"

"I did... but I don't think you are really"

"Then why did you call me that"

"To get a full emotion response"

I shook my head, I tried hard not to look too happy, or to be extra but the conversation looked like it was falling off and I didnt want him to leave yet. I couldn't look him in the eyes yet. I was embarrassed because I usually wear my contacts but I forgot about them in one of the bags I brought into my apartment. I always thought I looked prettier without glasses but some people have told me I looked weird without them. Probably because they are used to me wearing glasses.

"Well I don't want to keep you away from your thirst quenching food"

He got up from the chair on the other side of the table. I followed the movement with my head, I have no idea what my face looked like, but I looked him in the eyes for the first time, he had dim green eyes under his gold circle glasses. I wanted to look away because I thought I looked weird, but he looked at me back. He was standing up at the middle of the table and he looked at me. I had no idea what he was doing but he looked at me like a wonder. He pulled his lower lip under his upper lip with his tongue. I snapped out of the trance I felt I was under while I was looking at him. I put my arms on my lap and folded my hands and let my eyes fall down with them.

"Do you want me to stay?"

He said it like he knew the answer

"Yes if you'd like."

He took his hand out of his pocket and reached over to grab the book I forgot I had.

"Good night moon."

He sat back down at the end of the table. I reached for my coffee but he got up suddenly and grabbed it from me. He asked me what I had in the coffee

"I don't really want it to be honest."

"Let me get you another coffee."

"...If you want to be nice then you can get me a strawberry milkshake."

He turned around to go get the milkshake. I took out my phone to look like I had anything else to do but look at this man that was giving me the most attention I have ever had. I saw me staring back at myself from the reflection of my dark screen phone and I felt like I was going to leave the store and pretend like I was never there. I looked at myself and I hated what looked back, I forgot that my hair was in a bun, the bun was leaning to the left a little and some braids were out like a lump, sticking out yet still in the rubber band. I took my hair out of the rubber band and shook it out a little, made a middle part and looked back at my screen. What I saw wasn't too bad.



Please-✋ this book is so random and bad, it's my first writing, after looking it over it's so random, anyways hope you found some enjoyment idk

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