Chapter eight

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This book is so bad so pls spare me.
Also explicit scenes.

As his lips left mine, my lips felt cold. I wanted more, I wanted him to give me more of him. I let out a small whine for him to come back.

"Mm no… no more for now."

"Why?" I said barely a whisper.

"Unless you want me to fuck you… deep, senseless…."

His words made me shiver, I wanted him to, I don't know if that was the right decision, I didn't know if he knew I was a virgin.

Evan's POV

I wanted to, god I wanted to, I felt myself starting to lean her down to lay on the couch but she got up.

I felt a coldness brush over me as she got up.

"Why did you get up." I said more as a disappointing statement than a question. 

"You said unless I wanted you to fuck me… to get up and I'm up."

Jada POV

It was like pins when I felt the air touch me where his hand was just on my face. The anxiety of him seeing what I had seen in the mirror an hour ago was eating away at me. He's gonna be disappointed by what he sees under the clothes. He's not gonna want to be with a virgin. My hair's a mess my glasses are on my boobs aren't as perky. I'm not as pretty as my roommates.


"What?" he responded 

"Candy my roommate… you'd definitely like her, she's much more hotter than me." I said like the kiss never happened. I was scared of the responsibilities that would soon arise if we continued our relationship.

"Don't you fucking dare."

"What?" I said, my voice started to squeak, and my throat became scratchy.

"What the hell are you trying to pull?"

"All I said was that you would like her more than me, you were probably only messing with me to get to her, or any of my other roommates."

"Why are you doing this?"

I was mad at the thought of him never liking me in the first place. I began to fry my chicken.

" I asked you a fucking question."

"Well I don't owe you anything do I."

He stopped arguing and I heard his footsteps. I didn't turn around, my eyes welled up at the thought of those footsteps going towards the door.

But I felt him gently place a hand on my hip and my knees went weak.

And then there was a kiss on my neck. And I couldn't help it. I turned around but he backed up.

"No no come back."

"Why? So I can kiss you and then you shoot me down, or so you can tease me and I do something bad."

I felt tingles all over my body when he said that he would do something bad. It was awful to think about, but it turned me on.

He began to get closer, "Or do you want me to do something bad" 

He got close enough where he was over me and his mouth was barely touching my neck. He placed a hand on the other side of my neck to tilt it and brought it closer to his mouth. But he lifted up slightly to where he brought me to my tippy toes.

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