Chapter four

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It's been two weeks and my first day of college was starting tomorrow. Everyone got situated in the apartment. I met everyone I had to meet, my four other roommates discluding harriet. 

Yusiff, the only boy in the house, he was maybe three inches taller than me, he wore, and only wore, sweatshirts from what I've seen. 

Nia, I think she was so pretty, her lips were always glossy and she had such a good side profile, She was a little smaller than me and everything she wore fit and looked perfect on her. 

Candy, I don't know if that’s her real name but that’s what she told everyone it was. She was a stripper and she said she lived in Los Angeles all her life. Her skin is so even and she always wore pretty eyelashes. She said she was a stripper and that if she wanted to she could have bought an apartment herself but she wanted to be around other people going to the same college. I told her that her hair was pretty, she complimented me on mine, I told her I did it myself and she said that she would let me do her hair whenever. 

Lyla, they, which is what they would like to be called by, came in and had to unload their things for them and after that I never saw them in the apartment again. Their stuff was all in boxes in the far side of the hallway in a dark untouched room.

I lay on my bed, my phone to the side of my pillow and I thought about the man I had met two weeks ago. I was so surprised that I didn't mess up anything, that it seemed like he really enjoyed my company. I thought about him for the whole two weeks but I didn't do anything to try to meet him again. I realized I had no idea how I was going to meet him again. I didn't have his  name, or a number or even a social media account. I kept thinking about what he looked like, how he looked at me, I fantasized about him popping up at my door or at the front lobby. I tried not to let my mind wander to more sexual fantasies, of what his touch felt like, what his breath would feel like on my skin. I tried not to think of him as anything else as a new friend.







I was already up on my phone. I woke up a few minutes earlier. My alarm always makes me more tired than I already am

minutes past the campus and 3 minutes from the complex.”

“That's better than a 20 minute walk.”

“ it though” I said scrunching my face up.

I walked to the campus by myself for my 9:00 class. It was like looking at a dream, it was huge and I never took into account that I had no idea where I was going. I felt so lost, I knew where I had to go but I had no idea how to get there. I was near this huge building in the middle of the campus. There was a grassy area fenced off by bricks and benches along the stretch to the side of me.  

I walked up to this guy walking by, he was wearing a white long sleeve shirt shorts and a hat. He looked like he knew the campus.

“Hey excuse me,” I said. 

“Yeah what's up”

“Do you know where the department of psychology is?”

“Ok you want to go all the way down to the big building right there… you see”, He said pointing to a big building down the walk way, you could see behind the overhanging trees from the grassy area.

"Yeah ok…"

"And then take that right there and walk all the way down and then there's another big area."


"And then-"

"Hi ma'am."

I felt tingles go down my spine as I turned around to see the man. The man that I couldn't stop thinking about for 2 weeks, that had momentarily escaped my brian came back in a rush of excitement. I wanted to smile ear to ear but I didn't want to seem to cheeky 

"Are you good?" The man that I had asked for directions responded, ready to leave.

"Yeah… thank you."

He walked away looking at his phone as if I kept him away from something important. I wasn't worried about him though I was focused on the other man that had barged into my conversation and basically dismissed the stranger.

"Do you need my help?" He said.

I stepped back and looked him up and down. He was wearing a suit with a button up shirt underneath with no tie and had a computer bag around his chest. He wore brown khakis and brown leather shoes. He looked like a professor, but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, I mean, he could just be a man that wants to look his best for his classes.

"You look very professional", I said moving a little closer to him and starting to walk where I had been previously directed.

He looked down at himself and looked back at me pressing down on his lower lip.

"And you look very underdressed." He said shaking his head.

I was wearing a white tank top shirt tucked into blue jeans and a red plaid flannel. My braids were out in a side part, I barely had make up on, just lip gloss and mascara. To be honest, I looked damn good.

He seemed to see it too because he kept his stare on my outfit and kept his lips pressed together.

"Do you know where the psychology department is?"

"Yeah I'll walk you there."

"Well I don't want you to be late for class."

"No it's fine… I'm sure they'll wait for me"

I already had an inclination that he was a professor here, which already made my mind wander with fantasies. But I didn't want it to be weird. As I walked with him I again remembered that I didn't know his age, name, or anything else for the matter.  I didn't want to ask for his name, because I thought that the answer would disappoint me.

"So what's your name?"

He swung his head to look at me.

"I mean I damn well told you my life story and aspirations….and I never even got a name."

He half smiled showing his dimples on the left side of his check.

He took a deep breath looking straight.

"Uhh it's uhh… its uhh Evans.

He turned his head back to look at me.

"What is it… you don't want me to know you go to school here and now you don't want me to know your name?"

He turned me to face him by my shoulders, kept his hand there and knelt down to my ear. I felt tingles go down my spine, his breathing tickled my neck.

"Listen I'm a highly trained spy… I was sent here to collect intelligence on a man named barren… shit…I've said too much.

He took his hand off my shoulder and went back up.

"I'll see you later ok."

"Is this it right here?" I said pointing to the building steps to the side of me.

"Yup... have fun"

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