Chapter 10

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Mangle stared at the once-parrot with curiosity.
Where did it come from? There certainly weren't any pirates around.

The children began to leave the restaurant, she crawled out of the cove.

"C-Chica?" She said as she looked up at the chicken.

Toy-Chica huffed and turned around. "What do you want?"

Mangle flinched at her coldness, but continued. She stretched one of her hands to point at the endoskeleton head. "D-do you k-kow where thi-s-s came fro-om" She asked, static clearly noticeable in her voice.

Toy-Chica rolled her eyes and started to walk away. "Even if I did know, I'd never tell you."

Mangle stared hopelessly as Toy Freddy approached.

"You waste of space. You should just go with the older models, cause your clearly as torn up and useless as them."
He said as he gripped his hand around her neck and threw her across the room.
"Get out of my sight."

Mangle crashed against the wall and dropped to the floor. As much pain as she was in, she forced herself to crawl back to the cove.

Just as she plopped down on her stage, the Marionette peeked from behind the wall and waved to her.

Trying to hide her pain, she waved back. "H-el-lo" she croaked.

The Marionette frowned and came closer, but before he could do anything Mangke asked, "D-do you kn-nnow of an-anyany olde-r mode-e-els?"

Marionette thought about if for a moment before nodding and beckoning her to follow.

As Marionette led her through the halls, many questions came to mind. "A-are they ac-c-tive?" She asked.

Marionette shrugged and stopped in front of a large door labeled "Parts and Service".

As she stared at the door, He started to walk away. "A-Are you n-not comi-i-ng with m-me?" She said.

The Marionette just looked back at her and shook his head, before turning the corner, and out of sight.

Frowning, she looked back to the door, slowly pushed it open and slithered in.


Sighing, she saw a small light switch on the wall. She reached her foot up and hit it, but the room only regained little light. It was enough to see, to Mangle's relief.

There was a torn brown bear, and sitting against the wall was a purple bunny without a face.

Mangle's eyes widened as she looked around the room. Three animatronics, a chicken, a bunny, and a bear.

She felt bad for these animatronics, old and withered. She didn't even know if they were active.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps.

Mangle frantically looked around, but saw nothing.

Suddenly she heart a voice growl,

"Y-ye shouldn't be-e here l-l-lassie."

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