Chapter Three

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She watched as the kids sang and danced to Freddy and the other's songs.

She was the only one that seemed to actually interact with the kids, and she didn't know why.

Maybe they were afraid of getting pizza sauce in their fur, she thought.

The show ended and the curtains closed. The kids ran over to Mangle, who stood waiting.

"Hello children! What do you want to do today?" She asked cheerfully.

"Let's play tag!" Someone screamed, and the others joined in.

"Alright, but remember to stay safe!"

The kids nodded and ran off again. "Okay Mangle!"

Mangle smiled and chased after a small boy about six or seven. She reached out to tag him and succeeded. "Your it!" She yelled and ran in the other direction.

Once again, the other three animatronics watched and whispered among themselves.

Mangle sighed sadly. Why didn't they accept her? Was she not good enough?

Shaking her head from the thoughts, she continued to run.

"Mangle!" A voice whispered.

She stopped running and turned towards the direction that the sound came from.

She saw a door to one of the party rooms cracked open, and a hand beckoning her forward.

She ran towards the door and opened it.

Inside were a group of kids that were hiding from the tagger.

Before she could hide, the tagger burst into the room and charged towards Mangle.

Mangle screeched, "Run kids!" As she ran away.

The kids squealed with delight and ran from the room.

The tagger, a small girl, left Mangle and ran after the mob of kids running out of the door.

Mangle chuckled and walked after them, heading back to her stage.

The children seemed to have ditched the game and started to play arcade games.

Mangle watched them play and a boy ran up to her.

"Hey Mangle! I challenge you to a match of skee ball!" He said defiantly.

"Your on!" Mangle said and raced over to the skee ball machines.

"Oh.. uh, Mangle, I don't have any money." He said sadly.

"That's okay uh..."


"That's okay Jonathan, this one's on me" Mangle said as she pulled out two quarters. She always had some for situations like this.

"Sweet!" Jonathan said as Mangle handed him one.

"Three, two, one, go!" Mangle screeched happily as they both entered the quarters.

She picked up one of the balls and rolled it down the long.. Skee ball thing, causing it to go directly in the middle.

She looked over and saw Jonathan struggling, so she purposely messed up her aim and caused Jonathan to catch up and go ahead.

They both ran out of balls and Jonathan had gotten more points.

"Good game!" Mangle said as she high fived him.

"Yeah!" Jonathan responded and laughed.

"Who want some pizza?!" Mangle yelled.

Many 'me!' And 'I do''s were heard as children rushed over to tables.

Mangle skipped over to the kitchen and got three boxes, which should be enough for everyone.

She gave each child one piece and watched as they hungrily ate it, smiling at how much the children loved the Pizzeria.

Two Broken Foxes(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now