Chapter 12

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Freddy POV(hehe didn't see that coming did you ehehehehe)

Freddy slowly powers on in confusion of what lies before him.


He sighs and turns his eye lights on, only to be horrified of what lay right before him.

Bonnie had his face completely ripped off. He was also missing an arm and the fur suit on his feet was gone, showing endoskeleton.

Chica's eyes had sunken in, and her beak was stretched out far, and she was missing her hands.

No sign of Foxy.

"G-Guys? He said.

He heard a few mechanical noises and turned to see Chica had turned on as well.

"W-W-What Haappened?" She asked her voice box horribly damaged.

Freddy shook his head. "I-I'm not sure. Bonnie? You-u awake y-yet?"

No response.

"Bo-o-onnie?" Chica asked quietly, scooting over in front of him.

"B-Bonnie!" Chica said, shaking him.

Still didn't wake up.

"Bonnie pl-l-lease! S-Stop it!"

Still no response.

Chica and Bonnie had always had a more-than-friends relationship that he never understood, and with Bonnie still unresponsive, Freddy knew it wouldn't end well.

Chica lowered her hands, well, what was left of them, and started sobbing quietly.

"H-Hey!" Freddy said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure he-e'll wake up so-oon."

Chica only shook her head slightly. "But-t what if-"


Both animatronics turned to bright amber eyes staring at the broken down

"Bonni-ie lad, st-top itttt. Y-You're scaring the-e poor las-s-sies."

The figure walked forward into the slight light to reveal a very damaged red pirate fox.

Foxy too had had a good, brotherly-like relationship with the bunny, Freddy was more of just a friend.

"Bonnie p-please..." Foxy said quietly, but to no avail.

Foxy too had started to cry a little bit, and after a while Freddy did too.

"W-Where are w-we anyway?" Freddy asked, trying to change the subject.

Foxy only stared at the ground, and Chica shrugged to the best of her ability.

"I-I'll go look then. You t-two stay he-ere."

Chica nodded and Freddy walked out.
Freddy roamed the halls of the new place, until he came across a poster.
On it were three animatronics, a bearish looking thing, A bunny? And a wait, a chicken.

"Come j-join the fun at the n-new and improved F-Freddy Fazbear's pizza with the t-toys?" He said, reading the bottom.

"W-Wait a minu-ute..."

These three animatronics, all smothered in fake makeup and a girly style were supposed to be their replacements.

But what about Foxy's?

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