Chapter Seven

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Mangle hid all of the candy and went back into the Kid's cove. "Okay, once you find three pieces of candy, come back here. Remember, no fighting! There's plenty for everyone!"

The kids nodded and ran off.

Once everyone came back with their candy, Mangle didn't know what to do.

"Uhh.. What now kids?"

Some of them looked at each other walked towards Mangle.

Suddenly, one of the kids ripped her foot out and she fell to the ground.

The other kids got the idea and joined in ripping her apart.

Why...She thought. Why did they do this to her?

She tried to gently push them off but they kept crawling back and ripping her apart.

She suddenly saw a shadow come in, and then the Marionette's Music box played.

The kids stopped what they were doing and ran past the Marionette and to the prize corner.

The Marionette gave her a thumbs up before slithering back to the prize corner to get prizes for the kids.
It's short, I know, sorry ;A;

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