Chapter Two

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Foxy the pirate baby chicken <3
Mangle sighed as she walked back to her stage in Kid's Cove.

She stood still as the security guard walked in and looked at each animatronic, to make sure they were there. Except the Marionette, who creeped her out.

The bell went off, marking it was 12AM.

Mangle smiled. She loved scaring Kelly.

Ballon Boy was on the move already, as she could hear him laughing.

She saw the camera in Kid's Cove flash red, showing she was watching.

She stood as still as possible, trying to keep her tail from quivering in excitement.

The camera switched off and she ran into the prize corner, where the Marionette was.

Not only did she like his music box, he was also the only one that really talked to her.


She stood in there most of the night, listing to the music and starring at the camera.

Suddenly, the music stopped.

Oh no.. Mangle thought. She only liked to scare the security guards, but the others downright killed.

She cringed as the Marionette slithered out of his box and towards the security office.

She squeezed her eyes shut and flattened her ears as she heard a loud animatronic screech and a human scream, but it was quickly cut off.

She sighed. She liked Kelly, she was nice to the kids and sometimes gave them her pizza if they were hungry.

It's a shame.

She walked back to Kid's Cove as the 6AM bell rang, and the doors flung open and kids rushed in.

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