Chapter One

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Dedicated to I-LoveWarriorCats ;)

-DECEMBER 28, 1986-

Mangle stood atop her stage, singing songs for the kids. Most of them didn't pay attention, they were too busy playing small games such as leap frog. It didn't bother her, all that mattered was that they were having fun.

"Who wants to play some games?" She asked, and stepped off the stage. Her metal feet made a small clang as they hit the tile floor.

Kids cheered and gathered around her. She smiled and her gears warmed. The fox was programmed to entertain these children, and she lied every second of doing so.

"Hmm... How about we play hide and seek?" She said.

The kids screamed with joy and ran off to hide, while Mangle turned around and closed her eyes.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Ready or not here I come!"

The vixen spun around and scanned the area, her eyes landing on small movements under one of the long white tables. Two of the kids giggled with joy as she walked right past, pretending not to see them.

"Hmm..." Mangle turned to look at a large grey door. Supply closet! There was sure to be one in there. She slowly opened the door and peered into the darkness. A small shuffling was heard, and she pulled the string attached to the lightbulb.

The room dimly lit up, and a small brown haired girl hid in the corner, giggling quietly. "Found you!" Mangle smiled.

"You're good!" The girl said as she ran up and hugged Mangle.

Mangle giggled and asked, "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Carly!" The girl responded with the biggest smile you could ever imagine painted on her face.

Mangle nodded. "And what a pretty name that is. Wanna help me find the others, Carly?"

Carly nodded and raced out of the closet, screeching with joy. "I'm gonna get you!"

Mangle pulled the string once again, watching the room instantly flick to darkness. She closed the door and continued searching.

From the stage, T-Bone, Fred, and Chica stared at her as if she was insane. They didn't go anywhere near the kids, afraid of getting their precious body covered in 'grime'. She was used to being lower than everyone else. Being the pretty much unwanted one. But it didn't matter to her, as long as she was with the children.

Shrugging it off, her and Carly continued to search for the rest of the hidden kids.

The animatronic watched as Carly and the rest of the found children raced around the pizzeria, finding all the kids. "Hey kids! Come over here to hear a story!" She called.

The last few race over and join the large circle of children gathered around her. They watched anxiously as they waited for her to begin.

"Once apon a time, there was a beautiful princess...." Mangle began.

"Her name was Repunzel, and she had really long and magical hair. Wh-"

She was cut off as a child asked. "How long was her hair?"

"Miles and Miles long" Mangle responded, and the children gasped in awe.

"I want long hair like that!" Carly squealed.

Mangle laughed and continued her story. "When she was a baby, she was kidnapped from her royal family by a greedy woman. Her hair was able to make you stay young forever if you sang a song, and that's why the woman kidnapped her."

"That's mean!" A little boy yelled.

"Yes, it was very mean." Mangle said.

"Repunzel grew up many years believing that the woman was her mother."

"And every year on her birthday, her real mother and father would light millions of lanterns in the sky, in hope that their daughter would some day return."

"That's sad.." Some kid whispered.

Mangle nodded and continued.
"After just escaping the guards, and a horse,"

Kids snickered at that.

"..a thief named Flinn Rider stumbled upon Repunzel's tower, where the woman kept her locked. He climbed up, and when he reached the top, Repunzel knocked him out with a frying pan!"

Kids burst out laughing, and Mangle smiled. She loved seeing kids laugh. It made her happy that they enjoyed her games and stories.

"When he woke, she had hidden his satchel, which held a stolen crown. She said she would return it if he promised to take her to see what she called the 'floating lights', which were the lanterns."

"And so he did. They sat in a boat in a lake that surrounded the castle. She saw the lights, but Flinn saw something on shore, and said he had to go take care of business."

The kids gasped and bounced at the suspense.

"Flinn had been captured by the kingdom guards, but Repunzel saved him, and earned her place back in the royal family."

Kids cheered and Carly asked, "What happened to the woman that kidnapped Repunzel?"

"Ah, she was found out by the guards and thrown into prison!"

All of the kids jumped up and screeched in victory.

A loud ding interrupted their cheerful yells. A voice came onto the intercom. "We are closing. Please leave the building, and thank you for coming!" It was the same words every day.

The children whined, but respectfully left with their parents.

Mangle smiled as she watched them leave. Out of the corner of her eye, the browed haired-Carly came dashing over. Her arms wrapped around her metal body in a hug.

"Thank you for the story and games, Mangle. Your my favorite!"

Mangle laughed and crouched down to her level, and there hugged her back.

"And you'll always be my favorite."
Yes this Repunzel story is modified
Deal with it XD

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