B E A U T I F U L / L I A R

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Sitting in the passenger seat of Lando's car, Fox felt more at ease. She leaned her elbow against the door before smiling as she put her face on her hand and looked out at the world that passed her by. She decided at the hotel to not check her phone, turning it off shortly after turning it on. She was giving the illusion to her friends that she was ignoring them on purpose, the truth was she wasn't even bothered by the lack of contact or social media. 

Her head turned slightly and glanced at Lando, she looked at his face her eyes studying every perfect thing about him. She looked close enough that she could also see his visible imperfections. His eyebrows were thick, putting Cara Delavine's to shame but Fox didn't care, she just smiled to herself. 

Her eyes travelled to his hands which casually held the steering wheel. His left hand rested on the bottom of the wheel whilst his right held the top as he drove straight. There was something about the way his hands gripped the wheel which churned something inside of the young woman. 

"Fox?" He caught her attention making her look away quickly, her eyes staring out the passenger side window. She was dreadful at pretending and she wondered if he noticed. "Can you put music on? The radio is dreadful around here."

"Sure," she nodded as she reached for her phone from her bag. She held the button in turning it back on as she looked up out the window. "Anything you want to listen to in particular?"

Lando shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind. Anything but this..." he glanced at her for a moment. Their eyes made contact before he looked back out the window again concentrating on driving. "You pick."

The young blonde waited patiently for a moment as her phone fully loaded. She connected the Bluetooth from the car to her phone before loading up a music streaming service before one of her random places started to play. "Oh, God," she reached forward pausing the song which played loudly. "Enough of that." She was visibly embarrassed by her musical choice, her cheeks blushing as she scrolled through her playlists trying to find a suitable one. 

"Big Disney fan, are you?" Lando teased a little, or so she thought. 

As she put a random playlist on with the latest hits on, her eyes looked at the lad who had asked her a question. "Something like that." She didn't share information about herself too easily having being judged on things in the past. 

Lando smiled making her look away, almost like he knew she was looking at him. "I got Disney plus if you want to watch it at the hotel?"

Sucking in her bottom lip as she turned her head fully away from him. "Sure," she couldn't help but smiled to herself over him offering something so small as his Disney plus, it was a small but kind gesture. 

"Wait," she realised what he had just said. "So, wait, you must be a big fan too?"

He nodded as he kept his eyes on the road. "Sure, I guess."

Fox found herself staring at him again, her eyes dragged over his face again, down his torso and followed his arms towards his hands which were placed upon the steering wheel. Her insides clenched as she watched the way his fingers curled around the part of the wheel he held. Closing her eyes she couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to have his fingers laced through hers. 

She shook her head as she looked down at her own hands. Her eyes looked over her heavily painted fake nails and smooth wrinkle-free hands, she could tell her hands were much different to his. He worked hard for a living, driving. Fox could tell from his hands that he used them a lot during his job, she wondered if he did more than just driving when he worked. She didn't know much about his job really, she knew little bits about Formula One but never really paid much interest in sports. 


Once they got onto the main road, he leaned his left arm on the armrest between himself and Fox. Glancing over at the young woman, he noticed she had finally decided to check the messages she had been avoiding. He did not read them, turning his head and focusing on the road again. She had avoided telling him too much about her friends but he could tell there was something that had happened. Lando figured sometimes women's lives were made more complicated by the company they kept. He had never had any problems with his male friends, the most that had happened was a small argument about losing a race of the games console, nothing important. 

He heard her left out a frustrated sigh from beside him, his eyes flickered to her only to see her looking down at her phone. It looked like she was concentrating as she furiously typed. 

"Hey," Lando touched her arm getting her attention. He noticed her eyes travel down to look at his hand before she looked up at him. For a brief second, they made eye contact, Lando was first to look away though, returning his eyes to the road. "Are you okay?" 

When he glanced in the mirror, he saw her attention was back on her phone again. Her bottom lip was sucked in a little on the right and her eyes were wide. He noticed how dark the colour was, the irises of her eyes seemed to be obsidene in colour until the sun hit them, only then did Lando notice they were brown, a beautiful dark shade with flecks of gold that only showed in natural light.

Fox breathed in heavily before exhaling deeply from her nose. "I'm good," she sounded strained as she answered. 

Lando wasn't convinced by her words. 

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