D E A N / L A N D O

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When it came around to the Monday morning, Fox found that her father really was not kidding with the Gumball threats. As she looked out the window, she could see her father and Eve loading up the car with a couple of bags talking as they did. She wondered what they could possibly be talking about, she feared that she was the topic of their conversation. 

"Fox," her younger sister, Lotus said as she entered her sister's room. Turning to look at her, Fox waited for her to speak again. "I think you've really gone and done it this time."

The eldest daughter of Maximillion shrugged her shoulders as she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulders. As much as she knew her sister was right, she didn't want to admit that. Her relationship with her half-siblings had been rocky, to say the least. She wondered what her life would have been like if she had a family like the others did. "I'm sure he'll live," Fox sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at her half-sister. 

Fox often compared herself to Lotus. Lotus had it all really. She had the grades, the looks and three adults in her life that loved her very much. Lotus' mother might not have lived close but she certainly had much love for all four of her children. Lotus also had the love and support from both her father and his wife, Eve. Fox didn't feel like she had everything her sister did. 

"I can't believe that you're doing Gumball, Dad has never let me." 

Raising her eyebrows, Fox sighed as she turned back to the window where she heard a commotion. Her eyes skimmed over the cause of the sound, her father was arguing with Dean. 

Rolling her eyes, she pushed passed her sister before heading down the stairs, she was quick to walk through the home before pushing her way out of the door. Her father and Dean turned to look at her as she walked across the gravel. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she looked at Dean, gritting her teeth as she spoke. 

Dean held the piece of paper that she'd written a note on. "You were just going to leave, not even say anything!" His voice rose as he looked at the young blonde who didn't seem to hold any emotions on her face. 

Fox looked at the man in front of her, Dean had always brought her comfort but she found he wanted something different to her. When they first met, Fox wanted a relationship with him but at the time, Dean wanted less. He wanted Fox but he didn't want the label that came with it. 

Maximillion looked at his daughter then at the young man who had come around looking for her. He was surprised at the tone the guy was using with his daughter but when he knew looking at his eldest daughter that she wasn't going to put up with his outburst. Fox's face had changed from near empty to one of fury as she held her fists at her side. 

"You have no right coming here, Dean," she told him in a calm voice. "I left you a note," Fox spoke before she realised she might have said too much. She did not dare turn to look at her father, fearing he would know the truth. "You need to leave."

Dean's dark eyes stared into Fox's, he had a look of disgust on his face. "If you leave you can forget about us."

She pinched the bridge of her nose before she looked at her thumb and forefinger which had touched her face then looked up at Dean. "It's only a week," Fox tried to reason with him, her voice almost becoming high pitched as she spoke. 

Her father shook his head as he watched his daughter fight for something that beneath her. Maxmillion only ever wanted the best for her, although he had four children with another woman, Fox would always be his baby. "Fox," he said her name in a soft but warning tone as she turned her head slightly to look at him. 

Fox turned back to Dean, her eyes were giving him a begging look but he shook his head before he walked away, heading down the long driveway. 

The young blonde watched for a moment, her insides twisting with regret. She could have said so much more to Dean but she couldn't, not with her father watching on. 

Allowing herself to breathe normally, Fox turned back towards the house before she heard her father speak, "We'll be leaving shortly."


The young upcoming Formula One star arrived at the meeting point in London. He sat in his McLaren 600LT Spider, watching out the window, waiting to see who was around. There was many different super cars and celebrities around. Lando was not one who was afraid of meeting new people, not afraid of mingling with different celebrities and rich people but when he got out of the vehicle he felt a small rush. 

"Lando Norris?" He was greeted by Mark Wahlberg, although Lando didn't know him, everyone in the celebrity world seemed to know each others names. "I didn't think this would be your scene."

Grinning, Lando chuckled a little before he shook the hand of the well known actor. "This is not exactly my thing but driving fancy cars is."

Mark laughed at the young man, "Just try not to get too many speeding tickets." He patted the younger man on the back before he headed off leaving Lando alone. 

There was a cheering from the gathering of people, Lando looked over at the approaching car which came to a stop before the driver's side door open revealing Maxmillion Cooper who got more applause and shouts. Lando watched from next to his car, his head tilted to the side as he watched the passenger door open before out stepped his driving partner for the next 7 days. 

Her blonde hair was in loose beach waves which hung perfectly framing her face. From the distance he stood, he could see she was a slim young woman whose skin was a light tanned colour, as if she had returned home from a holiday abroad. 

He watched as Maximillion walked in his direction, his young daughter following behind. Lando noticed Fox held herself in a strong and confident way. Her head was high as she clutched her handbag on her right arm and her pink lips in a line showing no emotion as she walked two steps behind her father. 

"Nice to see you again," Maximillion greeted the young Formula One Star as he offered his right hand allowing him to shake it. 

Lando shook his hand graciously before he grinned. "So, this must be-"

"Fox," she offered her left hand to the young man before her. 

His eyes dropped to her hand before he shook it. He noticed her fingernails were long, fake, a black matte colour with little gems stuck onto them. In his hand, he noticed hers was small, dainty, like it would break if he gripped too hard. "Lando," he smiled as he tried to seem like he was confident around the self-assured young woman who held a slight smirk on her lips as she tilted her head towards her father before taking her hand back. 

"We're leaving in about half an hour," Maximillion looked at Lando before turning his attention back to his daughter. "You're bag is in the boot, you best get yourself aquintainted with this young man. It's going to be a long 7 days if you don't," he reminded her before he winked at Lando then walked away. 

Fox looked up at Lando, he noticed how she was a few inches shorter than himself but it didn't stop her from walking tall and proud. "I don't do night driving, I don't do cold cars and I don't do early mornings," she reeled off a list of things to the young man she'd never met before she turned away from him, her hair moving in the slight breeze as she did leaving Lando with a raised eyebrow and a confused look on his face. 

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now