G I R L F R I E N D S / C O B W E B S

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"You're paying to drive yourself around for seven days?" George asked as he sat on Lando's sofa and looked over at his friend. "You can get paid to drive around for a few hours."

Lando leaned further back into the pillows behind him as he shrugged his shoulders. "It's all for charity," he sighed as his phone played the recognizable tone of his teammate's voice shouting. "Besides it's going to be a laugh."

George rolled his eyes as his phone vibrated in his hand. He looked down at his phone before opening it, "It's the group chat." George typed away on the screen as Lando picked his phone up and looked at the message which had arrived from another of their friends. 

"What a surprise," Lando chuckled as he typed a reply to the group before locking his phone back up and placing it back on the arm of the chair. "Charles is always eating somewhere fancy." 

"He does live in Monoco, of course he's eating like a King," George reminded Lando. George put his phone into his pocket before casting his hazel eyes back over at his friend. "Just hearing the words come out of my mouth makes me a little sad. Seriously, I might have to move to somewhere that's not England."

Lando scoffed at him, "You wouldn't last two minutes living somewhere even slightly warm. Maybe you should think about moving to Iceland." Lando shook his head as he thought about the last time they went to Monoco for work. "When we were last in Monoco, you moaned the whole time about the heat."

Letting out a sigh, George groaned. "I'm from Kings Lynn, we ain't used to the heat. It's like living in a different country down there."

"You are so dramatic sometimes, I swear," Lando shook his head as he reached for the TV controller. "Are you going to find time in your busy schedule to come by and water my plants whilst I head across Europe?"

George laughed loudly, "You don't even water your own plants." He raised an eyebrow before he sat up properly on the sofa, leaning his elbows on his thighs as he stared at Lando. "Wait, hold on. You're going to drive around Europe for charity on your own for seven days?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lando nodded. "I did originally ask Alex to come along but he bailed on me after making him and Jo official. Apparently it's her birthday during the time we'd be away." Lando raised his eyebrows as he thought about it, "I know none of you guys get to spend as much time with your girlfriends as you would like."

"Oh the perks of being single," George sarcastically spoke as he smiled at his friend. "There is someone out there for everyone. Maybe you just need to wait for the right man."

Lando was quick to throw a pillow at George who was swift to catch it. 

"It's just I never see you with any women," George winked at him as he laid back on the chair. "You need to get out there, whatever you are into is fine with me."

"Women," Lando groaned as he ran his hands through his tight curls before locking his hands together behind his head. "I'm into women I'll have you know. You have Carmen, Alex had Jo and Charles has Charlotte, you know, sometimes I just feel a little," he pondered for a moment as he thought of the word. "Left out."

George gave Lando a sad smile before he changed it to a genuine one, "Give over. Enjoy your drive, there will be so many women in Europe that want you." His friend was quick to point out, wherever Lando went he had a fan of women that wanted to date him or at least spend some time with him. 

"Whatever," Lando replied as he let out a sigh before he moved his arms away from behind his head and picked up his phone. "Just make sure you pop by and see to my plants, and don't be bringing Carmen around here."

"This house ain't seen much action," George threw the pillow back at Lando after holding onto it for so long. "I'm just keeping the cobwebs at bay."

"It's not you that has cobwebs," Lando deadpanned as he looked at George. 

George laughed at his friend as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Maybe this driving thing will be good for you, might even find yourself a nice girl. Dust those cobwebs off."

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now