Q U I E T / N E X T

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Complicated. That is how he would describe the life of the woman he found himself falling in love with. She was beautiful, so beautiful in his eyes and being with her, it was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Fox was almost like two separate people, she was what the world saw, how she was portrayed in the public eye, than there was the real Fox. Lando was grateful that he'd met this amazing person who he felt had changed his life. He didn't even care that she just stared at him with her mouth open and didn't reply to those words.

He watched as she slightly parted her lips, her tongue poking out a little before she wet her top lip. Lando thought she was so perfect. She looked nervous like she didn't know what she wanted to say before finally she just smiled. Just seeing her smile made him think he shouldn't have told her that. Why wasn't she saying anything?

Deciding he hated the silence, he looked away from her eyes and to her lips before returning his gaze to her beautiful eyes. He leaned forward, closing his eyes as he kissed her again. She felt so perfect against him. There was a distinct taste of cherry on her lips and a hint of coffee on her tongue. Lando knew that he'd never get enough of her, she was delicious and intriguing. His heart beat quickened and his hands held her tight until he heard a commotion which interrupted him. He pulled back instantly, regretting it as soon as he saw Fox's confused face. "Sorry," he mumbled as he took hold of her hands. 

She shook her head, "Come on." She glanced over to the noise seeing what all the fuss was about. Lando watched as a smile ghosted across her lips, her eyebrows raised before he followed her gaze. There was a gathering of people which included Fox's father and a few of his famous friends, all of which were drinking and cheering as they held up their glasses. 

He felt her place her head on his shoulder as she laced her fingers through his. "Me too," she whispered. Lando furrowed his brows, he wondered what he was speaking about as he leaned his head on hers. Her blonde hair was so soft against his skin, her hands were smooth and seemed to fit in his in a way that was meant to be. 

Fox pulled on his hand, Lando let her lead him away from where they stood. The young blonde seemed nervous as she took charge of the situation between the two them. "Where are you...?" Lando asked as he trailed off as they went outside onto the side of the ferry. "Fox?"

She turned her head to look at him as she smiled before the door closed behind them. She walked backwards keeping hold of his hand which only impressed Lando a little more, the floor they walked on was slippy due to the waves slapping the side of the boat. She slipped a little but just as he put his hands out to help her, she readjusted herself with a giggle. "Oops," she laughed it off as she stood up straight in front of him. He noticed she looked a little giddy as she bounced on the balls of her feet, her beautiful bright eyes stared into his. 

Gosh, she was amazing. He wondered if she knew how beautiful she was, if she knew how much of a great person she was. That actually, everything she thought she was, she wasn't, that they truth about Fox was, she just needed some thing, someone to show her that. Lando wanted to be that someone. 

"Do you wanna see something special?" Fox asked in a small voice. 

Lando smiled at her, "Of course." He knew anything with her was special though, he didn't need to see anything, just as long as he was with her. 

Fox walked ahead, her right hand was on the hand rail as she kept her balance. Lando couldn't help but watch her cute walk, the way her bum inadvertently wiggled when she walked. Then just as they got to the front, Fox stopped, his eyes returned up and looked at her before looking out at the ocean to where she was looking. "I love watching how beautiful the water looks when the sun sets," she tilted her head and let it lay on his shoulder. 

Looking at the young woman, Lando put an arm around her and pulled her close. He never wanted this to end. The colourful lights in the screen reflected on the water creating a colourful prism effect which Fox marveled at. Seeing her happy made him smile. Some might say she was a different person from when they first met, but Lando knew, deep down this was always her.

"It's beautiful," Lando spoke but he never stopped looking at the blonde.

Maximillion stepped outside quietly, he just needed some air and some peace. He took in a deep breath as he leaned forward and let the silence fill his ears. A light playful chuckle hit his ears, when Maximillion looked up, he smiled when he saw his daughter giggling in Lando's arms. He stayed still as he watched the interaction between the young couple. 

Lando leaned forward and kissed the end of Fox's nose as she stared up at him. "You are so cute," he told her before he tickled her right side with his fingers which were already on her waist. 

"You're such an ass," the blonde playfully slapped Lando's chest as she wriggled in his grip. When he stopped the assault on her side, Fox put her arms around Lando's neck. "I can't wait for this to be over," she told the man in front of her. Lando could feel her fingers playing with the short hairs on the back of her neck, he didn't mind, it made him feel safe to a degree. 

"When we get back to England, shall we miss the return celebration? We could just head back to yours get clothes then go back to mine?" He asked her in such a forward fashion. Lando was going to just do it from now on, he wasn't going to be scared and wait, he was going to take the plunge. 

Her bright eyes flickered to his, the blue shined in the dimming lights as Fox smiled. "I really like that plan." Hearing those words made Lando's heart flutter, he knew she'd seriously be coming along with him to the next chapter of their lives. 

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now