W O N D E R I N G / W O N D E R I N G

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The intensity that flowed through Fox as Lando held her close was something she had never experienced before. She almost felt intoxicated, she was afraid that if this moment stopped she would stumble to the ground. As the gentle kiss came to a mutual end, they both pulled back a little before looking at each other. 

Fox was unsure whether to speak or not, should she acknowledge what just happened or just accept it. When a smile appeared on Lando's lips, Fox mirrored his actions before being the first to look away. Her eyes went down to her feet, her nerves getting the better of her. She nearly jumped back when Lando's hand came under her chin, tilting her jaw up so their eyes met again. 

A blush crept across the cheeks of Fox as the two young people just smiled at each other. 

Lando squeezed the hand he was holding before he spoke breaking them from their moment. "So, that view...?" He awkwardly said before looking away out the window as he took his other hand back. 

"It's beautiful, right?" Fox turned her head to look out the window. 

The two of them stood side by side, hands held, staring out of the window. The view was great but it was nothing to the way Fox was feeling. She couldn't keep the smile off her face, her hands were a little clammy and her heart was frantically banging in her chest. Tilting her head, she leaned her head on his shoulder and just leaving it there. She didn't know how he felt but Lando didn't move away or complain. 

Standing there, the world passed them by. The two didn't speak, the just stood with goofy smiles on their faces, holding hands as the ride came to an end. Once the pod came to a complete stop, they heard the door open. The two turned, almost like two naughty people who had been caught, they move away from each other, their hands letting go of each other as they both walk to the door to get out. 

As the two of them walked away from the large wheel, they began to walk side by side. "So," Fox was the first to speak as she glanced at Lando for a second before looking back at her feet. "I don't mind driving the rest of the way."

"You drove us here," Lando said softly. "I'll drive through the night, you can sleep."

Fox nudged his shoulder with hers before their hands entwined again as they walked towards the carpark where the car was. "How about I stay up and keep you company?" Fox couldn't help but grin. 

"You don't need to," Lando told the blonde. "It's going to be a long night." 

She didn't speak again as they walked. Her hand tingled in his, she would be happy to just stay this way forever. She kept a smile on her lips, she smiled at passersby and stayed close to Lando. To people who passed them they seemed like a young couple in love, two people who were about to embark on the rest of their lives together. Fox didn't want to think about it though, she was happy enough living in the moment, a pure blissful moment were she could pretend that things were as they looked. 


The journey to the next location was a long one. Lando knew taking a detour was going to cost them some time but after what happened, it was well worth it in his book. His hand rested on the steering wheel as he drove, next to him, Fox danced in her seat. He'd chosen some feel good music which he would use to keep himself awake, not only was it doing that, but so was the blonde next to him. If she knew the song, Fox sang along. 

Lando couldn't help but grin at her. She was something special. He didn't know he she knew it but he certainly did. 

He tried to focus on the road but he was distracted on Fox taking a selfie before taking a long selfie which included him driving in the background. "Hey," Lando laughed as she reached across and held his hand. He noticed she didn't stop there though, a few seconds passed before he snapped another photo of the two of them. "What are you doing?"

"Just taking a few photos," Fox said in a dreamy tone. "Whatever happens, I want to remember this trip." She stared at him for a second as he drove before he noticed her turn, letting go of his hand and look out of the window. He wondered what she was thinking as she snapped a few photos of the passing world. 

Lando smiled to himself as he thought about kissing her earlier. He wondered if she would want to do it again, he hoped that he hadn't crossed the line by doing such a thing. Fox hadn't complained about it yet neither of them had talked about it. Lando listened to a few more songs, he kept his eyes on he road as he drove but thought about what he was going to say to the beautiful young woman. 

"Fox, do you think we should speak about, you know, what happened earlier?" Lando asked as he kept his eyes forward. "I think we should just get it all out in the open. I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted, I just I..." He took a deep breath as he tried to get some air into his lungs. He wanted to speak and let her know how he was feeling. "You are just... I dunno, Fox." Turning his head, he looked at Fox in the passenger seat. 

The blonde had fallen asleep at some point but he guessed from how deep in her slumber that she looked that she'd been asleep some time. As she slept, Fox looked peaceful and worry free. Glancing at her every few seconds, Lando chuckled under his breath as he settled his eyes back on the road in the darkness. 

Their chat about what was going to happen next between them was going to have to wait. Lando didn't mind though, for a little while longer he could pretend everything was what he had always wanted. 

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