C U T E / M O R N I N G

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The two young people laid on separate beds and stared across the space at each other. Fox held the blanket close to her chest as she gave him a small smile; she wondered if he could see it in the darkness. 

"What made you leave earlier?" Lando finally asked her. 

Fox thought about what he was saying. She wondered if he would understand what her problem was. The more she thought about it, the less important it actually felt. "I didn't want to talk to my father," she said, simply hoping to keep it short and sweet. 

"I think he's just worried about you."

"I don't think he thinks I can change," she admitted. Fox thought about what might have been if she had been at home. She knew that in any other situation, she would have got herself some alcohol somehow, something to blot out how her father's words made her feel. 

Lando moved slightly; she could see him moving in the dark, pulling the blanket further towards his own chest. "Why don't you just tell him? Speak to him and show him you have changed."

Fox thought about his words; telling her father that she had changed or was trying to, sounded easier than it was. Her relationship with Maximillion had always been difficult, even more so in her teenage years. 

"I don't need to tell him," she said as she closed her eyes for a moment. "He will know soon." Fox looked back at Lando, "Can I lay with you, please?" 

She felt like it was ages until he answered, but in reality, it was only about a second. "Sure."

Fox got out of her bed; she stepped across before climbing into the bed beside Lando.She didn't care that she was only wearing a crop top and shorts, at this point she thought it was too dark for him to see. He put the blanket over her as he pulled her closer to him. "Thank you," she whispered as the two of them laid next to each other. She felt his arm around her, his hand on her lower back as their legs touched. She put her hands behind Lando's neck, her fingers placing with the hair on the nape of his neck as she stared into his eyes. "Can we just," she smiled as she spoke, "Stay like this forever?"

Lando leaned his face closer to hers, their lips almost touching before he whispered a reply, "As long as it's with you."

She pressed her lips against his, a soft, gentle kiss. Lando pulled her closer to him, their bodies touching as he wrapped his arm underneath her. She snuggled closer to him, her head resting on his toned chest as he turned on his back. Fox smiled to herself as Lando's fingers stroked over her bare skin on her back. She loved the feeling that it sent through her body. Everything about Lando made her happy. Below her head was Lando's chest, she looked how smooth his skin was and how hard his chest was. 

Fox placed her right hand on Lando's stomach area, again his skin was smooth and his abs were hard. She felt like she was in heaven being this close to him. Everything about him was intoxicating and drawing her in. She listened to Lando's breathing as it became more regular, his fingers no longer stroking her skin but laying on her back. 

After a while Fox fell asleep, she remained close to Lando as she did. She didn't know it, but she fell asleep with a smile on her face, something she hadn't done for a long time. 


When he woke, Lando looked down at Fox who had turned over in the night and had her back to him now. He placed a kiss on her hair before getting out of the bed. For a second, Lando wanted to just let Fox sleep, but he knew they had to get back on the road soon. Going to the bathroom, he used the toilet before brushing his teeth. 

Whilst he looked in the mirror, he wondered what he was doing with Fox. She wasn't like any of the girls he would normally go out with. He hadn't known Fox very long, but Lando knew that he wanted to keep her in his life. When he went home, he didn't want this to be it, he wanted Fox to stay in his life somehow. 

"Hey," he heard her voice, he looked over in the mirror and saw her in the reflection looking at him. He hadn't heard her moving, she was stealthy like a cat. 

Lando smiled at her, "Morning. Did you sleep well?"

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Not at all. At one point, I tried to smoother you with a pillow because your snoring was so loud." He couldn't tell if she was teasing or not for a moment until she burst out laughing. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry." She managed to say through the chuckles. Lando shook her head but smiled, her laugh was cute and contagious. He laughed with her for a moment before he continued to brush his teeth after she walked away. 

After he finished in the bathroom, Lando walked back into the room where Fox was sitting on the edge of her bed checking her phone. She looked up at him and smiled, "You all done?"

Nodding, Lando couldn't help but return the smile. "I think we should get going soon, we have a lot of ground to make up."

Fox got up from the bed, leaving her phone on the bed as she walked past Lando and towards the bathroom. "I won't be long," she told him, "I promise."

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