T O M O R R O W / N E R V E S

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As he settled onto the motorway, Lando glanced at Fox for a second. He noticed that her right leg was bouncing and she was staring out the window. He wondered what was on her mind, she seemed extremely nervous. Everything about her today was different. It was almost like last night had changed the way she was acting. 

"You're quiet today," he said as he leaned his arm on the arm rest between the two of them. "Is everything okay?"

Fox turned her head to look at him, he noticed out of the corner of his eyes. "I'm good," she said in a small voice. She reached out for him, her hand moving against his before the two of them laced their fingers together, Lando stroked her thumb with his. She looked away, her eyes looking down at her thighs as she thought of the right words to say. A few moments passed before she finally spoke again. "Do you wanna do something crazy?"

Lando looked at her for a second before looking back at the road. She could tell he was confused by her words. "What do you mean?"

Tapping away on her phone, Fox looked up at him before grinning widely. "Well, I am sure I'm still half asleep, and we have a long leg ahead of us. Lets do something, something to get our blood pumping."

He laughed, "Maybe you could have suggested that before we left the hotel."

Fox was confused for a moment before her eyes widened and she looked down at her phone, blushing. "Not exactly what I meant," she said in a small voice. She looked back up at him seeing the small smirk on his lips before she shook her head. 

"So, what did you have in mind?" Lando asked her as he kept his eyes forward on the road. 

Reaching across, Fox typed a postcode into the sat nav before smiling. "Just trust me," she wanted to surprise him. She wanted him to know she was more than just the cutesy girl he had been spending time with. Fox Cooper was a real person who would take a chance and do something random. 

She watched him as Lando's eyes wondered to the screen on the console, there was nothing to give away where they were going. Fox grinned to herself before Lando looked back at the road. "Okay," he said simply, "I trust you."

Those words meant so much to her, she'd never heard them from a man before and it was enough to make her feel good. Fox only ever wanted someone who she could be herself with, someone who would unconditionally just be there, someone who she could trust. She loved life but this week, Lando had shown her more than what she knew. 


Being with Fox was worlds away from where he thought he would ever be. If this was how his friends felt when they spent time with their girlfriends, no wonder they spent as much time with them as they did. By no means was Fox his girlfriend, but he hoped that there was more to their relationship than just friendship right now, not that he knew what was going to happen tomorrow. 

Following the directions, Lando wondered where they were going. There were still elements of Fox which she kept hidden and that made him wonder what other mysteries she might have up her sleeves. The closer he got, the more signs he saw but he couldn't read the language as they were native to the country they were in. He noticed Fox watching out of the corner of her eye, her lips curling into a smile as she realised he was still in the dark as to the surprise she had planned. 

"Where are we going?" Lando asked her as he turned into a carpark, the sign he'd passed gave a small clue to him but nothing that was too obvious. 

Fox grinned as she looked at him, pulling her right leg close to her body. "I thought we should do something memorable."

"Is this trip not once in a lifetime?" 

He stopped the car in a parking space and turned to look at the blonde. She held her leg close to her chest, she seemed to make herself smaller as she looked like she was debating on the words to say. She took a deep breath before speaking, breaking the silence. "I want to remember ever single day of this trip," she looked away from him and out of the window. Lando wondered what was running through her mind as she looked like she was struggling with the right thing to say. 

"Being with you has made this trip more than memorable." Lando was honest with her as he tried to lay some of his feelings on the line. He hoped that his words were more than enough for her to understand. 

She looked back at him, he wanted her to see how he meant it. "I know what happens tomorrow," she said in a quiet voice. "Tomorrow everything returns to how it was before."

"Is that what you want?" He asked her as he raised an eyebrow. Was this her way of saying she wanted to get back on with her life and pretend this week never happened?

"No!" She was quick to reply as she almost jumped out of her seat. 

Lando smirked at her answer, hearing her honesty made him want to be as close to her as he could be. "Good," he reached over and took her right hand and squeezed it as he spoke. "That's not what I want either." He looked out the window and over to the cliff in the distance. "Come on, Foxxy, let's do this. Show me why you've brought me here."

The blonde pulled him towards her using the hands they had linked, leaning her face close to him, she gave him a smile. He looked down at her lips, his gaze returning back to her eyes before a second before she followed his lead. She leaned close, closing the gap before the two young people's lips gently touched, kissing softly. Closing his eyes, Lando couldn't think of nothing but how soft her lips were. 

His other hand moved towards her face, cupping her cheek keeping her close to him. "Let's do it," Fox whispered as their kiss ended, their foreheads touching as she looked at him. 

Standing together on the cliff, they held hands as Lando looked over at her. He looked at how beautiful she looked, everything about her was amazing and he wondered what she saw in him. "What exactly are we doing here?"

Fox glanced at him. "You're not scared, are you?" She had a hint of playfulness in her voice. 

Lando smiled at her, he couldn't help but feel at ease with her at all times. "What is there to be scared of?" She took a few steps forward, his hand slipped from hers as she looked over the edge of the cliff. He watched her, she seemed so confident as she closed her eyes and let the wind flow through her hair. "Fox?" He said her name in a gentle tone. 

Opening her eyes and looking back at him, he saw the amazing smile on her face. Everything about Fox confused him, she had such a confidence aura right now but she'd shown her vulnerable side to him too, something which it seemed was at the forefront of her mind most of the time. He'd read articles about her, seen photos and that side of her was actually just a front, he knew that when he saw those photos, all he saw was a young woman who used alcohol to mask the fact that she was lonely and craved love and attention. 

"Tomorrow is so far away really," she tilted her head a little as she looked at Lando. "Let's just live in today." She reached for his hand as she smirked at him. 

He put his hand in hers as he stepped towards her, he looked over the edge. His insides twisted as he took a deep breath. He'd driven some of the fastest cars on the planet, he'd survive crashes and done stunts at high speeds but seeing how high up they were made him feel queasy. "And what... you wanna jump?"

She squeezed his hand, he knew it was clammy, he was so nervous as he looked over the edge. "I won't let go of your hand, I promise."

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now