S L E E P Y / C O N F E S S I O N

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Lando drove throughout the night, he passed several others in the race but he knew he had to keep going. This was the longest stint of the whole thing. There was no hotel for that night, Fox would have to take over driving from him soon but he couldn't bring himself to wake her. Her phone continued to vibrate throughout the time she was asleep but it didn't stir her from her slumber. 

He listened to his music on a low volume hoping to not bother the young woman. He wondered what would happen once they returned to normality. He knew little snippets about her life but he didn't know what or who was waiting for her when this was over. He would have liked to think that she seemed free but parts of her seemed so trapped, there were so many parts that she was hiding. 

"What's the time?" She mumbled bringing Lando around from his thoughts. 

He sent a brief glance her way before looking back at the road, "It's-"

"Shit, it's late." She sat up quickly catching his attention in the mirror. "Why didn't you wake me?" She asked him as she rubbed her eyes. 

Lando laughed at her as he shook his head a little. "Where do you have to be?" He asked her as he relaxed more in his seat. "We're stuck in this car."

He listened as she let out a sigh before she unclipped her belt. Lando watched her in the mirror for a moment as she leaned forward in her seat before rummaging in her bag by her feet. He looked back at the road as he wondered what she was doing. 

"What are you doing?" He asked her as he tried to catch her attention but she was engrossed in whatever she was doing in her bag. "Fox?"

She mumbled some incoherent words which only frustrated the young lad. She finally popped her head up with a fresher looking face and a smile on her lips. In her right hand was a hairbrush and in her left was her mobile phone. "Pull over, Lando. Foxy wanted to drive." The young man wanted to chuckle at her words and the way she spoke in the third person. 

"Foxy?" The nickname she used was the only word that left his lips. 

Next to him, Fox laughed as she tucked her legs underneath herself on the chair crossing them before putting the seat belt back over herself and plugging it in. "Foxy Fox," she said innocently and in a carefree voice. He wondered if she realised she was speaking so freely at this moment, she wasn't always open in her previous conversations. 

Lando looked at the young woman who had pulled the sun visor down and was now brushing her hair in the mirror. He could see she looked visibly happy, he couldn't help but feel like her smile was infectious even though he was ready to sleep himself. He looked back to the road as he drove looking for a safe place to stop. 

"So," she said as she continued to brush her hair. "Yesterday..."

F O X C O O P E R 

She didn't really want to talk about what happened. She didn't want to say anything. She'd rather be blissfully unaware of his feelings but she just couldn't help herself. Looking down at her feet, she fiddled with the threads on her shorts as she took a deep breath. "What happened-"

"Look I completely understand," Lando blurted out stopping her as he pulled the car into a layby. "What happened yesterday," Fox noticed out the corner of her eye, he was gripping the steering wheel tightly as they came to a stop. "Lets just forget about it."

Turning her head to look at him, Fox found herself looking at his profile. He was staring straight ahead and it made her a little uncomfortable not knowing what he was thinking. His words were simple enough but his body language was different, like it was difficult to say those words. 

Fox didn't know what to do, she felt a sinking feeling at his words. All she could do was be honest right now. "If you think that's best..." She trailed off as she thought of the next words to say. 

"I think we both know it's best. I'm sure you have a boyfriend or someone else waiting for you when you get back home." He said what he thought she wanted him to say. "You're a great girl and fun to be around but we both know this isn't what you want." 

She opened the car door, her hands were shaking as she realised she had let herself get vulnerable with Lando and it wasn't what he wanted. Fox got out of the car ready to swap seats with him, she didn't want to hear any more words from him. As she got out, she took a deep breath, trying to control how she was feeling. 

"You ready?" Lando caught her off guard for a moment.

"Yep!" The word left her mouth in a short tone as she turned to look at him. She didn't mean to but her eyes were narrowed as she glanced at him. "Sure," she nodded as she let her emotions wash away. 

They both walked around the back of the car where they met, Fox stopped him by putting a hand on his arm. He looked at her with a confused look as she decided to just go for it. 

"Actually Lando, I'm not ready. You don't know what I want," she told him as she let go of his arm and leaned on the back of his car. "There is no one waiting for me. I don't want anyone waiting for me." Fox crossed her arms over her chest. "If you had cared to listen, you have heard me tell you that I enjoyed yesterday."

He stared at her with wide eyes, she wondered if he knew he'd made a mistake or if he really was just trying to keep her away from him. "Fox..."

"No, Lando," Fox breathed through her nose as she looked at her. "I like you," she hated saying the words because she felt a little weak lying her feelings on the line. "I like you, a lot."


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