Himiko x Reader 🌸

597 6 3

 (non-despair au)

Requested by: Nobody 

    I slowly opened my eyes to the bright light streaming through the curtains. I rolled over and checked the time. Realizing it was rather late, I turned to wake up my small girlfriend laying beside me. I gently shook her awake. "Nyeh? Just let me sleep y/n." she mumbled. 

     I quietly laughed to myself. "Alright, I'll come wake you up later." I left the room and started making Himiko and I some coffee. I finished mine, and poured another cup to bring to her.

By the time I arrived back to the bedroom, Himiko seemed to gave been awake for a few minutes. I handed her the cup of coffee, and she happily accepted the warm drink. "Y/n, I've been practicing a couple more spells. Do you mind if I show them to you later?" "Of course!" I agreed. 

In the evening, Himiko approached me. "Y/n, if you're ready, I'm going to show you the spells!" "Okay! Go ahead." I responded

The first "spell" she showed me was fairly simple. I drew from a stack of cards, and Himiko guessed which one I had drawn. "Hmmm" Himiko thought out loud "Is your card ace of spades?" I grinned and flipped the card around so she could see it. " Yes! You got it right." "Of course I did." Himiko replied. "Afterall, I am a mage. Anyway, I still have some mana left. Would you like to see my next spell?" "Sure." I said. 

Himiko reached into her pocket and pulled out a ring. "Y/n...will you marry me?" I stood in shock for a moment before realizing I needed to give an answer. "Of course!" I said joyfully.  Himiko looked at me with a huge look of relief, and leaned toward me to give me a quick peck on the cheek.

I spent the rest of the night celebrating my engagement to my beautiful fiancé, before eventually drifting off while dreaming of our wedding plans.

I realize this story is kind of cliché, but I really felt like writing it. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this! 

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