Kaede x Tenko 🌸

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Requested by: Anonymous 

(Tenko's POV)

"Hey Tenko, can you come over here please?" I hear Kaede call out. "I'll be right over!" I respond.

I follow the sound of her voice, and see Kaede standing in the bathroom, in front of a mirror. "What's wrong?" I ask "My appointment for a haircut just got canceled, and my hair really needs trimmed. Do you think I'd be able to cut it myself?"

"Oh! I could help if you like." I suggest. Kaede turned towards me, with a huge smile on her face. "Thanks!" She gives me a quick peck on the cheek. I'm immediately felt my face heat up, and knew I must be blushing bright red. "Uh- I'll go grab the stuff to cut your hair. Sit down in the kitchen, and I'll meet you there!" Kaede nods and walks away. I wander around our apartment until I have the materials I need for the haircut.

"Alright! Let's get started." I say. I drape a towel around Kaede's upper half, and begin combing her hair. "I was thinking you could take off about an inch." Kaede suggests. 

I start to cut her hair, and frown when the result is uneven. I decide to make it a bit shorter, and it ends up uneven again. I continue to cut, and I eventually realize I had cut Kaede's hair into a short bob. 

I look at Kaede, and notice she hasn't been paying attention. She had been scrolling through random articles online, and hadn't noticed her completely new hairstyle. I realize I can do anything to her, and she'd have no clue. I laugh quietly to myself as I gather up strands of her hair and start to smear hair gel onto them. I mold her hair into a mohawk, and burst out laughing at the final result. Kaede glances up, and it takes her a moment to realize what I've done. 

"Tenko!" She yells. I'm worried for a moment, before I realize she's not mad. "I can comb it out if you like! I didn't mean to cut it so short!" I reach for the comb again, but Kaede gently grabs my hand before I can undo the mohawk. "No, keep it! I don't mind." She squeezes my hand, trying to comfort me. A wicked grin begins to appear on her face. "However, I think it's only fair that I get my revenge." 

Kaede runs out of the room, and returns with butterfly clips, hair ties, and large cans of hairspray. "Okay! Time for your punishment." She says, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

By the end of the day, I had a ridiculous hairstyle, but I was the happiest I had been in ages. Kaede and I spent the rest of the night teasing each other as we attempted to get our hair to look somewhat normal once again


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