Korekiyo x Reader 🌸

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i know i've already posted a ton of korekiyo content, but it never gets boring. i've got nothing better to do right now, so feel free to post some requests! love you all

"Y/n!" Shuichi yelled, rapping on my bedroom door. "We're having a meeting. Everyone is going to talk in my room.

Even through the door, I could tell how exhausted Shuichi was. Really, we all were. Kaede had been brutally killed only a few hours ago. With a nervous shiver, I rose up from my seat and tentatively opened the door. Even from where I was standing, I could hear arguing in Shuichi's room. I sighed, but rushed towards it regardless. We had to figure out a way to end this sick game.

Immediately entering the room, it was obvious that nobody quite knew how to help. Shuichi paced back and forth while Angie attempted to bring up everyone's spirits as she preached about Atua. I made eye contact with Korekiyo, and offered him a small smile.

On the surface, he appeared the calmest in the room. However, the trained eye could still notice the tension in his face as he dug his nails into his palm.

Shuichi noticed my arrival and cleared his throat, gathering everyones attention. "Before we make any major plans, I think it's pretty clear that none of us are the enemy. Monokuma plays a huge part in this. I didn't know Kaede very long, but I don't thing she'd have killed someone for no reason."

The room is silent for a moment before it erupts into chaos. Miu's voice towers above the others as she tells "Alright Shu, I get it, you thought she was hot! But none of us knew her that well. For all we know, she's a full blown serial killer! We have bigger things to worry about than one dumb bitch dying."

Anger tightens it's flaming talons around my chest as tears prick my eyes. "I knew Kaede just as long as the rest of you, but I'd still trust her with my life. Miu, how the hell are you okay with just ignoring her death. If anything, you're the one we have to worry about."

Before Miu can respond, I storm out of the room. How could she say that? Kaede was the nicest person here. She had helped comfort everyone when we first arrived here. I refused to believe what everyone was saying. As I walk, I realize I really don't know this area too well. But it doesn't matter, all I need is to get away from everyone for a bit. As I attempt to wipe my eyes of the oncoming tears, I run into something and stumble.

Cold, smooth hands grab my shoulders before I hurtle to the ground.

"I hope I didn't hurt you too badly." Korekiyo teased.

"You didn't hurt me, but you nearly scared me to death." I retort.

The mischievous glint in his eyes faded to a look of concern. "Are you okay?"

I became incredibly self conscious, mentally willing away my puffy eyes and damp face. "I'm fine. I just can't stand listening to Miu talk about Kaede. She's a good person. None of us deserve to be in this messed up game."

Korekiyo nodded, and rubbed soothing circles on my back. The comforting gesture makes a small smile appear on my face. Looking up at him, I notice a worried crease in between his eyebrows and I can't help but giggle. My reaction only confuses him more, and his gentle touch on my back pulls away.

"Wait, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! It's just you barely know me, and yet you're already so worried. It's just funny." I hastily explain. "I appreciate it though. I just can't believe how crazy this whole thing is."

Korekiyo takes a moment to process what I've said before replying. "You really are fascinating. After everything that's happened, you're still going. I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure the others, as well as us, will escape this dystopia. Humanity will always prevail-you're a prime example of that."

As strange as the interaction might have been, in a weird way he really was helping. Maybe we really would make it out of here. Before my brain makes me hesitate, I lunge at him and wrap my arms around him. He tenses for a moment before relaxing into my embrace.

"Thank you." I mutter, muffled by the fabric of his shirt. He brings his hands down to rest on my lower back, and brings me closer to him. I allow myself to fully take in the moment, and appreciate the bubble of safety the two of us have created. However, the moment we separate, I hear a familiar chime. Monokuma's voice sounded tinny through the loudspeakers.


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