Chapter 2 | Making a Plan... Sort of

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Y/N's P.O.V. 

1:30 p.m.

Work was always tiring, but I had gotten almost no sleep last night so it was much worse today. I didn't have a good excuse for it though, I had stayed up till 2:15 trying to work on writing. It ended up being useless too as I was only able to write two crappy paragraphs. "Why did I have to be so damn dumb last night? Why on earth did I think staying up that late would do anything helpful"

"Did you stay up too late again?" Seungmin asked sounding way too amused by the fact I felt like a zombie.

"Is it really that obvious?" I asked while working on an a latte and almost messing up the order.

"Well you are acting more short-tempered then you normally do, plus you look like your about to fall asleep standing up. So I would say yes." He said with a playful grin and chuckling.

"I'm not short-tempered!" I added making sure my tone made it obvious I was joking. "But your not wrong, I stayed up for a while."

"I'm guessing you were working on your book?" I groaned inwardly as he mentioned it, still upset that I had made no progress.

"Well I was trying to but I never got very far."

"Oh poor dear has writers block for the third time this month." Jennie mentioned while joining the conversation.

"Are you making fun of me or are you actually sorry?" I asked with a smile.

"Hmm probably both"  She joked 


I was honestly so grateful that I was able to meet Seungmin and Jennie here. We've all become great friends, It felt so natural hanging out with them it felt like we had known each other for years instead of only a few months.

Jun's P.O.V.

1:30 p.m.

"So Dino was able to figure out whoever this spy is, unfortunately there was no information on who she worked for." "S.coups seems annoyed, I mean he obviously would be frustrated with having an unknown spy wrecking al our plans, but it seemed like it was more than that." "What we do know about the spy is that her name is Min Y/N, she's 23, and that she is working at xxxx café probably as a job to hide being a spy." "Hmm I was expecting someone who already worked for us, not someone who seemed like they wouldn't be in this type of world"

 "So are we planning to just go and kidnap her to find out who she works for?" Jeonghan asked their leader.

"No. I'm pretty sure that this is NCT's doing I doubt that it we could do that easily. I absolutely hate to admit it but NCT isn't so dumb where we could find out that easily." 

"And if it isn't NCT? Why are you so damn sure it's them?" Minghao interrupted S.Coups. Everyone was staring at him now, either in a complete state of shock or horror. Personally I was absolutely terrified with what would happen next.

"WHY WOULD MINGHAO DO THAT! DOES HE WANT TO DIE? Does he like to cause trouble! S.coups is going to kill him!" My mind was screaming

"NCT is our biggest rival, their only one group behind from being the biggest mafia team in Asia, so of course it makes sense. Plus who else would have enough recourses to steal for us so damn well?" S.coups responded surprisingly calm. "He's not killing The8? Oh thank goodness!"

"There have been a lot of gangs who've recently started growing and I think it could one of them." The8 continued to discuss with S.coups. "I could be wrong but I think its possible"

"Hmm it is a possibility." Everyone was say shocked at the fact the S.coups wasn't mad at The8 in any form. "I think we should try to trick the spy, make them think that they have the upper hand..." 

We ended up leaving the planning room at around 6:25. It was a long and quite exhausting meeting. It was decided that I should I be the one to carry out the plan as I was the official spy of Seventeen.

[Author's Note]

Sorry that this chapter is sorta basic. I'm hoping it should get more exciting pretty soon. Also sorry for any grammatical errors, typos, if something doesn't make sense, and sentences that just aren't well written

Thanks for reading!

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